From what I've read I think we all have a different idea of what it is to buy pipes.
In my particular case, all the new pipes I have, I have bought them personally.
I would never buy a new pipe online. Important details can hardly be appreciated well by photo. Weight and balance, for example. I am not interested in betting a good amount of money that the pipe is what the seller describes.
I do buy estates on the internet, not from resellers or tobacco shops that sell estates
I buy from private sellers, always if the price is good and the pipe does not need repairs. I always check if the seller has other pipes and try to buy more than one, if he is willing to give a discount.
I have bought most of them at flea markets, antique fairs, thrift stores, etc.
It's a hobby, I never intended to create an instant collection and I've bought one out of every hundred pipes I've found. I have always bought them with the money I had in my pocket.
The pipe in the photos is an example of what you can find. I bought it a week ago at a Flea Market that takes place on Saturdays in a square. I was just passing by and decided to take a look. The condition is what it was in when found.
Did I need it? No.
Am I going to keep it? Probably not.
It cost me USD. 4.5
