Do You Prefer to Buy Unsmoked or Pre-Smoked Pipes?

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May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I used to buy estate pipes from my favorite artisans but then they started coming in ghosted to shit with a Lakeland blend and I am not wasting time trying to get rid of that ghost. My last 13 pipes bought were all commissions and I am definitely enjoying smoking only new pipes. The only way I would buy an estate now is if I can still see some bare wood in the bowl.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I own and smoke pipes going ranging in age from 1882 to just a few months ago. I enjoy the different shapes, origins, and stories behind these pipes, both the old British factory pipes and the new Artisan pipes.

Obviously, many of the pipes in my pile are estates, since my favorite British pipes haven't been made in 60 years. Buying on the estate market has the advantage of saving about 50% of the cost, except for a few collectibles where the cost can be pretty steep.

I didn't need or want the women I've schtupped to be virgins, and I've been far more intimately entangled there, so why would I care about my pipes being experienced? I don't bring my own cutlery to a restaurant. For those who are horrified at the thought of putting their mouth where someone else's has been, I suggest you look across the table at your partner and realize that someone else blazed the trail before you, so get over it.

There are also the clear pleasures of being the original owner and/or commissioning a pipe. A number of pipes, all of them artisan made, were bought new and a number were commissioned. There's that extra involvement of working directly with the artisan that makes the result much more personal than buying from a dealer.

As for how a pipe develops, that depends on a variety of things, such as the quality of materials, workmanship and the use the pipe undergoes. I've seen pipes a century old that look almost brand new, and pipes that have had the life beat out of them. Some pipe users are ignorant pigs. Thankfully, when it comes to higher end pipes, most are careful with them.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I used to buy estate pipes from my favorite artisans but then they started coming in ghosted to shit with a Lakeland blend and I am not wasting time trying to get rid of that ghost. My last 13 pipes bought were all commissions and I am definitely enjoying smoking only new pipes. The only way I would buy an estate now is if I can still see some bare wood in the bowl.

It's not a that difficult to ask the seller what tobaccos have been smoked in a pipe they're selling. I always do that.


Sep 9, 2019
East coast
Yup! New stuff is ok and great if coming from a new artisan or if I am looking for a particular shape that I can't find on the used market. To me there's nothing like old wood. Time and use definitely change the character of a pipe and some are just fantastic. Not much of an ebay buyer any longer as there are only a few that I trust.

Best advice, ask questions and if the pipe talks to you go for it.

I've had very good luck buying pipes on here from forum members, especially after you build a rapport.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I don't even smoke my own pipes twice. Yuck, that's like, what poor people do. I just smoke pipes once and toss them. Opa!! puffy

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Dec 5, 2021
Southern, NM
Other than cobs I only own a couple brand new pipes. The rest of my collection are estate pipes. I've gotten a couple that needed quite a bit of work, even one that had a crack all the way through the bowl, in order to bring them back to smoking condition. I don't mind refurbishing them, but never go so far as to fully restore them.


Jul 6, 2018
New York
My preference is to buy an estate pipe in "unsmoked" or "smoked but rather clean" condition from Any pipe with one of those descriptions is thoroughly restored to "like new" condition, but is significantly discounted. I've gotten some excellent estates from Marty Pulver and Mike Glukler as well. Other that those and a few other trusted vendors, I buy only new.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Eateries normally are inspected and held to certain standards. Pipes? Not so as one would notice. So, some people, not knowing what communicable disease the previous smoker may have died of, simply prefer to be cautious. But, smoking is for the risk takers so. many smokers simply choose to ignore such or, trust in their or others abilities to fully exorcise what ever demons might reside in a used pipe. People's health concerns shouldn't be trivialized.