This morning as the sun rose, and the roosters crowed, I filled a Tinskey pipe with straight ribbon cut Virginia and drank a strong black cup of Yuban coffee.
I’m addicted to nicotine. I have been for nearly fifty years.
I’m also addicted to coffee, or caffeine in the coffee, for almost forty years.
But I drink that coffee to get my caffeine fix. I do love but that’s good because I’m addicted.
I smoke tobacco in a pipe because I love, to smoke a pipe. I love the pipes, the tobacco, the ritual, and the flavor.
My nicotine addiction just reminds me to smoke a pipe.
It’s sort of handy, and gives me an excuse to smoke at least four or five pipes a day.
How about you?
Do you love pipe smoking?
Or is it just another addiction?
I’m addicted to nicotine. I have been for nearly fifty years.
I’m also addicted to coffee, or caffeine in the coffee, for almost forty years.
But I drink that coffee to get my caffeine fix. I do love but that’s good because I’m addicted.
I smoke tobacco in a pipe because I love, to smoke a pipe. I love the pipes, the tobacco, the ritual, and the flavor.
My nicotine addiction just reminds me to smoke a pipe.
It’s sort of handy, and gives me an excuse to smoke at least four or five pipes a day.
How about you?
Do you love pipe smoking?
Or is it just another addiction?