Definitely no nicotine addiction. I get smacked down if I smoke a bowl of Peterson's Irish Flake too fast. ?
I like the "ritual" of choosing a pipe, choosing a tobacco, rubbing out a flake and filling the bowl. Even lighting up. For me, more enjoyable than cigars.
I have 2 bowls, rarely 3, most Saturdays and Sundays, which I really look forward to and enjoy. But if it's a family day and I miss out (no one in the family smokes), well I had my down time with the family and I'll happily forego the smokes.
Likewise with coffee. Love my coffee, and always strong. I used to have at least 4-5 daily. One day I noticed a tremor in my hands, not quite heart palpitations but a "jumpy, nervous" feeling. I cut down on the caffeine immediately. I now have just 1 coffee a day, and not after 2.00pm or I have problems falling asleep.
I drink tea during the day now. And yes, tea has caffeine, but it doesn't affect me the same way.
Wine and spirits I find really enjoyable. It's been years since I had a hangover, but a big night out will always result in bad sleep and a disordered digestive system which takes at least 48 hours to get over. So I don't do big night out too often these days.
I find all those much more enjoyable if I listen to what my body is telling me and taken in moderation. That's just me.