Do you Love to Smoke Your Pipe?

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That Guy

Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 8, 2021
Central Florida
It's kinda like another hobby of mine. I love and enjoy doing it and can obsesse over it from time to time but can also walk away and take a break from. It's relaxing and helps me unwind. There's been times when I went months without a cigar or pipe. I have alot of hobbies but I don't think they are addictions where I couldn't see myself not being able to live without if I had to. I can definitely go overboard with each hobby from time to time but I don't think something I'm bound to.


Aug 20, 2013
I drink 1 8 oz cup of very strong black Cafe Bustelo a day over 2 hours. Recently I bought a number of lbs of beans, ground them myself but found that I preferred the taste of Bustelo, which I had been drinking for years.

I'm quit the pipe for 3 years and probably would be confined to a wheelchair, on oxygen, had I not stopped. Maybe not, but it was quite clear that I would not like the consequences if I did not.

But when I smoked I adored nicotine, and I made sure to get it by the blend I smoked. By my craving for these smokes I demonstrated my addiction.

Bwana Kiko

Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 27, 2021
Do I love to smoke my pipe? Yes.

Do I love to wait for opportune moments to blow a puff of smoke over the chess board and distract my opponent? Yes.

Do I love to listen to political diatribes while serenely watching smoke drift skyward and reflecting on the ephemeral nature of man, the nations, and the world? Yes.

Perhaps there is a little more to it than my pipe. I think there is the joy of the solace of a pipe, especially when paired with the conundrums of life.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 22, 2020
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
I truly love the ritual, the pipes, and the tobacco. However, I don't need the nicotine. Mornings I sit outside alone and watch the sun come up with my pipe and coffee. It's one of the most enjoyable times of the day for me. Meditative and relaxing. I can separate myself from the world for an hour or so and just enjoy the moment.


Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
I am no pipemaster, there are lots of guys on this site who deserve that handle over me. The name came to be as it was my AOL handle I picked back in 1995 or so. I was big in the cigar game and my handle at all the cigar sites was The Master. I knew lots about cigars and I had no problem with that handle. I don't know why I picked it as a handle on this site.
I know how it goes, I chose the name hawky454 when I was 17, it’s stuck ever since, just easier that way.


Sep 12, 2020
Spain - Europe
Some rumination about coffee addiction.

Do gooders and other puritans must also drink coffee. They don’t tax it, conduct any anti coffee campaigns, they don’t preach against it from the pulpit, nor turn schoolchildren against it, and there are never claims that coffee fumes hurt innocent bystanders.

My nicotine addiction reminds me to smoke my pipes. I never miss a payment on my nicotine addiction.

On the other hand, coffee is a strange addiction. If you miss a cup (or in my case the first pot of the morning) there are no immediate cravings, at least for me.

Caffeinated soda pop is a pale substitute for the primo stuff, which is strong black coffee.

But if I forget to drink coffee, or am where I can’t keep endless pots of it available, by evening I have a strange sensation of wanting something.

I may eventually get a slight headache.

My world is empty, and lacking something.

Then when I am reminded I need some more Vitamin N I’ll also get great relief from the first cup of coffee, from a pot.

Also, when I’m in need of coffee any old brand will do, so long as it’s black.

In Missouri we can pay a sympathetic doctor $200 and buy marijuana, for medicinal purposes only.

I’ll pass on that.

I don’t need any more addictions.

I love both the ones I already hacd
Fully identified with you sir Lee................I love the tobacco pipe and Cigars. It is something too personal, special, and authentic for me.

Fire Bender

Sep 27, 2021
Chicago, IL
Addicted to nicotine, yes. But I don’t get the same experience with anything else. Started with cigarettes and quit when I moved up north due to high taxes. Vaped for a good while and loved the flavors until regulations and the best vape rigs and flavors stopped being sold. Cigars are good, but I can’t do one every day. Pipe smoking just does it for me. Wide range of flavors, great tactile experience and more relaxing than cigarettes.


Feb 13, 2013
I just love smoking my pipe. I was addicted to nicotine when I smoked cigarettes, which I quit 23 years ago. I barely even notice any nicotine, and I’m certainly not addicted. I regularly go days between bowls.

As for coffee, I don’t mind it, but it’s never been an everyday thing for me, nor any caffeinated beverage. Ever since I can remember, I’ve always preferred ice water in the morning, usually with a splash of lemonade. An added bonus of not being a regular taker of caffeine is that I can very effectively dose myself when I need to.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
I enjoy both the pipes and coffee. I enjoy pipe smoking for many reasons, but the one I like the most is that it connects me with the past. When I was a kid pipe smokers were still fairly abundant. I can still see and smell the pipe smokers when we would go to town once a week for groceries. It wasn't just a habit for them, the pipe was part of them. It was as much a part of them as their arm, leg, tongue etc. It was who they were. There is a great deal of confidence that comes when you smoke a pipe. I'm relaxed and know exactly what I'm doing, why I'm doing it and the pleasure of doing it. I've had the luxury of always living in the country. Coffee has that earthy, ground goodness that I connect with nature. Smoking a pipe with my coffee gives it that smokey, nutty taste that enhances the flavor of the coffee. Nicotine or caffeine have no importance for me. I enjoy them because they are gifts to us to enjoy.


Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Definitely no nicotine addiction. I get smacked down if I smoke a bowl of Peterson's Irish Flake too fast. ?
I like the "ritual" of choosing a pipe, choosing a tobacco, rubbing out a flake and filling the bowl. Even lighting up. For me, more enjoyable than cigars.

I have 2 bowls, rarely 3, most Saturdays and Sundays, which I really look forward to and enjoy. But if it's a family day and I miss out (no one in the family smokes), well I had my down time with the family and I'll happily forego the smokes.

Likewise with coffee. Love my coffee, and always strong. I used to have at least 4-5 daily. One day I noticed a tremor in my hands, not quite heart palpitations but a "jumpy, nervous" feeling. I cut down on the caffeine immediately. I now have just 1 coffee a day, and not after 2.00pm or I have problems falling asleep.
I drink tea during the day now. And yes, tea has caffeine, but it doesn't affect me the same way.

Wine and spirits I find really enjoyable. It's been years since I had a hangover, but a big night out will always result in bad sleep and a disordered digestive system which takes at least 48 hours to get over. So I don't do big night out too often these days.

I find all those much more enjoyable if I listen to what my body is telling me and taken in moderation. That's just me.
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The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
I absolutely love smoking my pipes. In no other form of smoking can one enjoy such a wide range of flavors. Nicotine isn't a reason for my smoking as I much prefer blends that are mild in that department. I'm not looking to get stoned. But I am looking for flavors, and pipe tobaccos offer me that.

I also enjoy all of the arcane fiddling around, packing, prepping, cleaning, etc involved. And there's the connection to earlier times, which is one of the reasons I primarily smoke vintage Britwood. The occasional connection to history, like this 1941 Sasieni Eight Dot that somehow made it across the Atlantic in the middle of a World War:

The elegance of a fine pipe fitted for motoring or yachting:

Or a pipe that commemorates an historic achievement, like this Lindbergh pipe:

There's more to these pipes than just functionality. There's a bit of magic to them.


Aug 25, 2016
I absolutely love smoking my pipes. In no other form of smoking can one enjoy such a wide range of flavors.

Beautiful pipes! I always enjoy seeing pics from your collection.

And agreed 100% on the flavors and so on. That's what separates pipes from other forms of smoking, including cigars. I like cigars and keep a humidor, but in truth they are simply narrower in flavor profile than pipe tobacco. Pipes are a whole tasting experience, and I think just to view pipes as "well, I just like smoking" sells pipes a bit short. YMMV on that issue if you only smoke one or two codger blends and a handful of pipes, but for everyone else, the pipe is quite a bit more than a nicotine delivery system.


Mar 13, 2020
NE Ohio
Yes, I love it. Well, nearly every smoke I love. I was a heavy cigarette smoker for years, and built up quite a nicotine addiction and tolerance, so I do occasionally find myself puffing some DFK shag like a freight train, just for the nicotine I still crave-those smokes, I don't love.

I just went camping, and every smoke I had next to that tiny trout stream in the woods was just magical, and I loved every second of each pipeful.

Also. I love it enough to join a damn pipe forum.