Do You Like the Taste of a Really Good Cigar?

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Aug 25, 2016
"Well that was nice, but not as nice as a pipe"

I used to think that too until I finally encountered some cigars that I really like.

I’ll also say that cigars have a learning curve, though much easier than pipes. You still have to smoke them slow and nurse them along to get the best smoldery tobacco flavor. Even as a pipe smoker, I neglected to smoke cigars gently and puffed them like a freight train. It just seemed appropriate since they are so big and produce so much smoke. No wonder it took me a while to really enjoy one!

Edit: not to suggest that you personally smoked the crap out of your cigars and missed the best parts, but I did, and I think a lot of others do too and miss the good flavor of a slow gentle burn


Aug 20, 2013
Some years ago I used to spend the early to mid-afternoon in the smoking lounge at the Pipe and Pint in Greensboro, smoking cigars. There I met the one guy who I would call a cigar adept. He'd take a draw and hold the cigar in his hand on his leg, and he wouldn't draw again until a minute or two had elapsed, until the cigar was going out, before drawing again.

It was said that he 7 or 8 humidors, and he was always ready to add to the mix.


May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
I haven't smoked a cigar in years but if I did, my favorite is the Don Carlos Lancero. It has a wrapper of Cameroon tobacco from 1984. The cigar is made by the Fuente family and is only sold in special boxes. Everyone I have ever smoked was rolled perfectly and smoked great.

My favorite Cuban cigar is the Trinidad Fundadores. It used to be the Cohiba Lancero but they couldn't make a box that wasn't filled with all plugged cigars. I mean 25 of 25 being plugged. I went on a tour of the Cohiba factory which is not open to the public. They didn't want people seeing how piss poor their rollers were.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Hey cosmic, we share a bit of pipe tobacco tastes. I like strong, full bodied and nic-rich pipe tobacco, so gravitate to dark Virginias, Perique, and Dark Fired Kentucky combinations. Fallen out of love with Latakia for almost a year now.

As for cigars, I am a true lumpen pleb, I love, absolutely LOVE Toscanos. Next week I should receive a box of MUWAT Kentucky Fire Cured, think they'll be a hit with me!


Can't Leave
Jan 17, 2021
Southeast Pennsylvania
My current favorite cigar is the New World Oscuro Gordo by AJ Fernandez. I love the rich but not overly strong taste and the excellent draw. (My wife judges a cigar mostly on how well it draws, and she does have somewhat of a point.)

I only like one or two a week, however. Otherwise, my taste buds get tired. Unless I'm on vacation, in which case I can happily smoke one a day.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 19, 2021
Baku, Azerbaijan
Good cigar in myne opinion it's not a expensive one. I observe a pattern that price lower cigar have more taste and flavor. I not talking about shit) but for example, I like US cigars and Dominikana more than expensive Cuban cigars and you can believe me, I'm know what I'm talking about. Shore it is absolutely individual opinion, but... Papa fritas much, much tastier for me than 1000.000$ one. Say again, 100% individual opinion. I'm note one of this guys who talking about is hi price cigars worth it or not, sure it is.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 11, 2021
Malaga, Spain
I have a pack of 10 cigars of Alfambra to smoke, 2€ each, they seem decent to me but I have no idea, maybe they're bad. I'm a complete noob in cigars and just followed a recommendation of my tobacconist. Any opinions about this brand?

I also bought a few Inca - peruan cigars, and a single Gurkha cellar reserve (15 years old) that's pretty expensive and I will smoke for the New Year.


Feb 21, 2013
A decade or two ago, I bought a sampler of cigars, Cohibas among them, and other premium sticks, and I enjoyed those over a year or so. When I was an undergrad with not much money, I smoked Hav'a'Tampa with the wood bit, somewhat sweet and very mild. When I was in the Navy, I'd buy the occasional cigar on shore liberty, just for a treat. Never smoked at all aboard ship. One shipmate chain smoked nails entirely by bumming them. Years later on business trips, after my wife quit cigarettes, I'd smoke a cigar or two, usually just walking about. In Toronto I'd get Cubans, but I always preferred Dominicans, mild but extra flavorful. Recently I bought a sampler kit of twelve dog walker cigars. They're really small, I guess for walking dogs with short legs or that are elderly. I guess I'll smoke them once a month, so I can post on the cigar thread. Cigars are pleasant, but I still prefer pipes, partly for the savings, but mostly for the range of flavors and ability to mix blends and condiments at will.


Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 29, 2021
North Alabama
I like cigars ok. I do not know much about them wrappers etc. I have had some Arturo Fuente I like some Montecristo's, and several others. I also like curly heads :) ( I like chewing on cigars as much as smoking them ). I may get one every year or two. Funny what Cosmicfolklore said about employees at Cigar places. I remember when I was in college going to the Netherlands and going in a few shops (Cubans could be bought) and all the employees wore suites and ties. :) So far for the pipe I like Virginia and Virginia with a side of Perique.
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I like cigars ok. I do not know much about them wrappers etc. I have had some Arturo Fuente I like some Montecristo's, and several others. I also like curly heads :) ( I like chewing on cigars as much as smoking them ). I may get one every year or two. Funny what Cosmicfolklore said about employees at Cigar places. I remember when I was in college going to the Netherlands and going in a few shops (Cubans could be bought) and all the employees wore suites and ties. :) So far for the pipe I like Virginia and Virginia with a side of Perique.
I think cigar style has changed. It used to be about doing business, finer things, and luxury. Now, it seems (at least from my observations down here) cigars are about motorcycle gangs, ex cons, and music that sounds like a live recording of high school students being executed with automatic weapons.

Oh, and Harley Davidson is merely the US's largest cosplay business, ammirite? puffy
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Feb 21, 2013
I think some men get into posing with cigars the way some women do with cigarettes. Winston Churchill was so devoted to posing with cigars that they named a large size cigar after him. Nothing is more animated at the horse race track than a bunch of college boys who are studying the thoroughbreds in the paddock while puffing stogies. Cigar lounges on Manhattan used to be frequented by young guys in nice suits ardently practicing their roles as tycoons, some of whom probably were. Navigating around cities on business trips alone, a cigar is a good prop, not that the baddies think you are a tough guy, but that they think that you think you are, and that might be a problem. I hadn't seen the motorcycle gang cigar smokers, but it stands to reason. Then there is Arnold Schwarzenegger on the cover of Cigars magazine. And Clint Eastwood in the old spaghetti westerns. But as Freud said, sometimes a good cigar is just a good cigar.


Staff member
May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Hah! But I was thinking of cigar-posers in general, not limited to bikers. If a real gang, I imagine they weed out the posers pretty quickly, Jacket or no.
I imagine they weed out the posers pretty quickly, Jacket or no.
In what I've seen, there are nothing but posers left in motorcycles. Even our local police department has it's own bike gang with a clubhouse just down the road from my house. They are called the Punishers with skulls and flames all over it. Very tacky, but just boys having fun with their beer, drugs, and crime... I mean, law enforcement letting their hair down :::cough cough:::. But, if cops having a gang isn't posing, I have no idea what is then.