Didimauw's One Meer for One Year Redemption. 12/15/2022

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Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 7, 2021
West of the Twin Cities, MN
That said, I’m never going to believe it’s acceptable to clean any smoking pipe with water, even one made from “sea foam.” ;)
  • What about a brass kiseru?
  • How about a glass pipe? (Yeah, these are pretty unacceptable)
  • Water shouldn't hurt a clay, they find 'em after centuries in the mud in the Thames river.
  • What about once when a very dirty estate pipe and you're feeling lazy that day?
  • What if it is a nasty pipe I'm willing to replace if the water makes it explode?
  • What if I WANT my pipe to be destroyed so I can justify a new one😍 and I'm tired of the side effects of PAD?
  • What if I planted a flower in my pipe but it died and now I want the dirt out of it before I smoke it?
Yeah, I'm being pedantic and silly, but this is a pipe forum on the internet puffy

In reality, last year I got a new meer with a shank so course inside that a pipe cleaner would get caught and never pass through. I didn't like it, so I filled the inside of the pipe in water for 15 minutes then lightly scrubbed it out with a nylon brush. Now it easily passes pipe cleaner. The pipe continues to exist, smokes like a champ, and is coloring gently.

Occasionally I flush them when I want to carry my pipe but don't need my wife to be bothered by the odor. It helps a little...

Not at all. When the idea was first introduced here as the "new way to clean a pipe", condescending comments and name calling were hurled at posts questioning the idea or those opposing it. I'll never do it myself just because of that.

I have a lot of respect for your opinions on this forum. You have been a big help to me when I was getting started figuring out how to smoke a pipe, what I like and what doesn't matter to me. If I had known that an idiot was mean to you in the past, and that same idiot also liked water flushing... That knowledge wouldn't have kept me from using water when I needed to clean excess meerschaum out of my shank.

If you want to be offended enough at some nearly anonymous moron from the past keep you from trying a tool/technique, I won't push you to try it.
Do whatever you want but don't let an anonymous idiot affect you. (Including me?)

If I were to give up every opinion I share with someone that doesn't know how to behave in a civil manner on the internet, there would be nothing left to say.
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Can't Leave
Nov 8, 2021
I water flushed my first meer, and too much maybe as it broke (though I did drop it to do that). It did start to feel soft though, so it's not something I'd like to repeat.

My current meer is getting the Didi treatment, more out of convenience and laziness than anything. I just run a cleaner through it a couple of times a week. The result is a slowly colouring pipe, the first time I've ever seen a noticable cake and... some damn good smoking.
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Might Stick Around
100 smokes.

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Aparently this pipe is left side oriented! Right side is barely colored.
But I do hold the pipe in the right side teeth, which when exhaled would direct the smoke to the left side of the pipe.
Hello @didimauw,
As many of you know, I failed in my first attempt. Too many different variables and excuses to list.

This time should go much differently. I have a lot more experience with meers, and they are all I've been smoking for the past 3 or 4 months at this point. At the end of my last thread I had given up on meers altogether, thinking they weren't for me.

This is mainly just a thread to watch how this particular pipe colors, with little rest, and again to test my patience with only one pipe.

This thread comes at a particularly sad time for me with the loss of my friend and our forum member Weezell. He had bugged me during my Grabow thread about doing one with a meer, and he sent me my first and favorite meer to date. We had many messages back and forth, and phone calls. What a great guy. He will be missed dearly.

Anyhow, the pipe in question is an Altinay lattice bent billiard. I noticed the past few months how the price of meerschaums have gone up. Then I came across this one. Bent, carved lattice, and extremely light at 22g. I wondered how it could be sold so inexpensive. Well then it arrived, and it's one of the smallest pipes I own now. But this is all ok, as I prefer smaller pipes, bents are more comfortable, and carved pipes seem to color faster for me atleast.

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First smoke, Cornell and Diehl: Old Joe Krantz Blue. I managed to keep it going for 30 minutes. Perfect amount for me.
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Oh and my tamper fits, so that's a bonus!
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This thread is for you, @weezell...
Hello @didimauw
I've been wanting to write and thank you for a long time, but I can only write now due to setbacks, workload etc. Sorry.
First of all, thank you for starting such a project and sharing the developments with the meerschaum lovers in this forum and informing them, and also for choosing an altinay meer for this project.

By the way, it should not be forgotten that there are many factors that affect the coloration speed of the pipe, such as smoking frequency, tobacco type and smoking temperature.

Last year, a friend of mine shared the process with us on Instagram, as a March Meerschaum Madness project, by filling the same pipe for an average of 8 times a day for 1 month, making approximately 270 fillings throughout the month of March.

Although he originally planned to complete the project with a coloring bowl, he stopped using the coloring bowl on the 2nd or 3rd day as he had difficulty using the bowl during the day, while working and driving.

Below you can see a few photos of the coloration process of the pipe in only 1 month.




Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
Hello @didimauw,

Hello @didimauw
I've been wanting to write and thank you for a long time, but I can only write now due to setbacks, workload etc. Sorry.
First of all, thank you for starting such a project and sharing the developments with the meerschaum lovers in this forum and informing them, and also for choosing an altinay meer for this project.

By the way, it should not be forgotten that there are many factors that affect the coloration speed of the pipe, such as smoking frequency, tobacco type and smoking temperature.

Last year, a friend of mine shared the process with us on Instagram, as a March Meerschaum Madness project, by filling the same pipe for an average of 8 times a day for 1 month, making approximately 270 fillings throughout the month of March.

Although he originally planned to complete the project with a coloring bowl, he stopped using the coloring bowl on the 2nd or 3rd day as he had difficulty using the bowl during the day, while working and driving.

Below you can see a few photos of the coloration process of the pipe in only 1 month.

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Thank you sir! That is an amazing amount of coloring in that pipe! I wish I had that much time!

Not only is this experiment regarding the coloring, but also if I can make it smoking only one pipe in a whole year.

This Altinay has really opened up for me. It really is a great smoker, and very lightweight.

It's been slow going, as I started in winter, but spring will open up the flood gates for smoking. I'm very excited.

Did your friend keep his pipe clean? Looks like he reamed the cake too yes?


Might Stick Around
You're welcome.
This Altinay has really opened up for me. It really is a great smoker, and very lightweight.
Glad to hear that.

Did your friend keep his pipe clean? Looks like he reamed the cake too yes?
He was cleaning the bowl with a paper towel after every smoke.


Might Stick Around
Glad to hear that. I've been building a cake in the bowl, but the flavor is starting to get dull. Maybe ill ream it soon.

By the way, I would like to share the message I shared in another forum about meerschaum cleaning.

Hello Guys,
We do not recommend cleaning the inside or outside of the chamber with any liquid, especially alcohol.
Turning the paper towel rolled by twisted in the chamber after each smoke will not allow formation of cake.
If cake has formed, it can be sanded or can be reamed off very carefully with a suitable reamer. Also it should be noted that the inside of the chamber of a meerschaum pipe in use can be very soft due to moisture and can be easily pierced.
And the outer surface of the pipe can be cleaned by rubbing with a dry or damp cloth.


Staff member
Jul 28, 2013
By the way, I would like to share the message I shared in another forum about meerschaum cleaning.

Hello Guys,
We do not recommend cleaning the inside or outside of the chamber with any liquid, especially alcohol.
Turning the paper towel rolled by twisted in the chamber after each smoke will not allow formation of cake.
If cake has formed, it can be sanded or can be reamed off very carefully with a suitable reamer. Also it should be noted that the inside of the chamber of a meerschaum pipe in use can be very soft due to moisture and can be easily pierced.
And the outer surface of the pipe can be cleaned by rubbing with a dry or damp cloth.
Haha yeah that's a really good point. One of my other meers, I went a little too far in reaming, and got some of the chamber with my reaming knife. You have to be careful.