We can all guess at what non-latakia varietals might scratch your itch, but they're all so different than latakia that you won't know till you try whether any of them do it for you.
The three best suggestions are DFK, Orientals, and Perique.
Three bulk tobaccos you could try, respectively, are ODF, Oriental Silk, and Match Victorian.
These aren't latakia substitutes. Just different varietals that you may or may not wind up liking in a different way.
If you don't wind up liking any of these, it's worth noting that many latakia lovers gravitate eventually to Virginias, and may even feel burnt on latakia. This doesn't happen to everybody. And when it does, it make take years, or in some cases decades.
If and when you want to try straight VAs, HH Pure Virginia may be what you'd look for -- not as sweet as some, with some deeper, fuller, more savory flavors going on.