Hobby farming on how much land? My head might be on right but I have not much to show for it. I will be visiting a farmer's market this year (I hope) with rare organic hot peppers and Japanese vegetables. Big tip from a fellow gardener, Japanese vegetables love Florida's hot humidity... I am a bit anti-consumerist, and generally a loner. If I could homestead and trade, I would. I've been looking at land recently. Unfortunately I feel like society set itself on an anti-self resilient path long ago.
I have the personality that if I can do it myself, I will. I would sacrifice money for knowledge of how to do something and the enjoyment of doing it every time, no matter how dull or basic other people think it is. I am growing about 2 dozens medicinal herbs used in America, China and Japan. Knowledge from ancestors most of us have forgotten or never experienced, like using yarrow to stop bleeding, extremely suitable after a nick from a shaving razor, just an example. Does this make me
more selfish than a standard consumerist business lover? I don't know, it's an interesting thing. Society has made my place in this world so uncomfortable. It's too expensive to move out of society...
This is the basis of a community. Why the hell isn't there a store in every neighborhood, filled with things people do or make within that neighborhood? Oh right, single family housing zoning laws that force you to own a vehicle so you can buy oil and gas.
I'd pick countryside over the city though even though I'm a hippy hipster that needs his daily espresso and pastry (which I do make myself with flour I mill and coffee beans I roast, agricultural trading is cool by me).
Brick and mortar life.
I've got one agave growing in the backyard... Don't have space for more