This is, essentially, another stroll down the nature vs. nurture path. I would say that humans are about as far from their natural state as ever, and becoming more so with each passing day. Much in the same way that pipe tobacco will only get more expensive and harder to obtain as time goes on. So that being said, I would say it's about nurture rather than nature. And if one is looking for a force substantially deranged enough to completely warp, torment, and render utterly useless any human being that participates in any of its myriad productions in any way, shape or form, one need look no further than human society.
Granted, you can only go against nature so long before disastrous consequences rear their ugly heads. That could be anything from the main plot of the 2006 film
Idiocracy, or something far more serious, such as the plot line to the 1988 film
They Live.
From my limited observations, humans are by and large just as ill-suited for crisis mode as they are for standard mode. People can't even get from their bedroom to their bathroom anymore without the freaking GPS telling them how to get there. That's the kind of separation I was alluding to in my 2nd sentence. If they can't even tie their shoes without an app to assist them, how the hell could they do something as complex as fixing a flat tire?
As for me, when the shit goes down, I'm surprisingly calm. It's the
little stuff that I panic about.
But I blame this chiefly on being Jewish. So score one point for "nature," I guess.