CORPS Show (Richmond/VA) 2014

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Dec 22, 2013
JimInks: Thanks for the clarification, I always like to get my facts straight.
It was a pleasure meeting you. I really appreciate you taking the time to discuss tobaccos with me and also thanks again for the suggestions and the Sutliff and Mac Baren tobaccos.



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Jaxon: It was my pleasure. I had a lot fun working at the table and talking tobacco with people.



Feb 28, 2014
Sorry I am so late on this thread, i haven't had the chance to get on and really go through the threads since the show. I had a fantastic time all around. It truly was a pleasure meeting and hanging out with such wonderful like minded people, especially members here on the forum. Al, Jason, Les, Owen, Jeff, Sam and forgive me if i missed any others. It was also cool to meet Brian Levine, he is a funny smart ass dude...right up my alley! Also great to meet Sykes Wilford and tell him face to face how awesome his company and customer service is and how much i appreciate them doing what they do for the pipe community. I got to meet many other pipe makers as well and pick their brains about their craft and look at their beautiful pieces of briar. I told Jimmy Craig himself that i look forward to the day that i will own an Ashton and that the stars have not quite aligned yet, but soon. I also told him that he is making Mr. Taylor quite proud, to which he thanked me for. It's that kind of thing that really makes it so cool to attend one of these shows. I also got to talk to pipemaker Bob Hayes, who just so happens to be brother in law to fellow retired pipe maker Sam Learned. I told him that I owned one of Sam's pipes from '03 and actually had it on me to show him. He admired it and told me an easy fix for a shank extension that has come loose on the pipe. That pipe is one hell of a smoker and is in heavy rotation in my stable ever since i got my hands on it. Unfortunately, as Mr. Hayes informed me, Sam is about to go to a nursing home very soon and Bob had just cleaned out his old workshop. Bittersweet to say the least and a touching story he told me. He said that Sam's pipes were heavily sought after 15 or so years ago and in their heyday went for up to a thousand dollars for his best pieces. I let him know that it was an honor to own one of his creations and that i probably wouldn't be getting rid of it any time soon, if ever.
All in all it was a blast and i cannot wait to go to the next pipe show i am able to attend, hopefully Raleigh in the spring. Jeremy and i have already discussed organizing a crew to go down with. I had a great conversation with Primal Chheda from Smokers Haven and traded him the two pipes i listed here for sale on here recently plus a little cash for a beautiful Clark Layton burner. I am going to make a thread with more pics, but here is a teaser. It's a gorgeous smooth cross cut slightly canted billiard with excellent cross grain and birdseye galore, topped off with a very well cut cumberland stem. Smokes phenominally!



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
@Briarfanatic: - you met two of my favorite people - John Hayes and Robin Adair. I have that same 2008 Tinksy Christmas pipe in naked coral - it is a fantastic smoker, I'm sure yours will be as well.
@layinpipe - I really enjoyed getting to know you and see your growing collection. I wondered if you were able to strike a deal with Premal! I also admired that Layton pipe on his table! And that means Bards still might still have that other Tinsky Christmas pipe, with two stems...hmmm.....



Feb 28, 2014
Al, likewise and it was awesome to see some of your beautiful pipes you brought along as well. Truly was a pleasure, buddy! In regards to that Tinsky, i still have my eye HEAVILY fixed on it, so if you are thinking of pulling the trigger do it fast because my trigger finger is still plenty itchy to pull on that beautiful briar! Lol. I hope you do grab it so you save me some money i don't need to spend right now! :lol:
It's funny, because i had been eyeballing that very Layton pipe for MONTHS on the SH website and almost pulled the trigger on it on more than one occasion, so i guess things happen for a reason and it all works itself out in the end. I think i hear that Tinsky calling your name....



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 24, 2012
It had been a couple of years since was able to attend the CORPS show so I'm glad I made it this year. I was blown away by the friendliness and generosity of folks which started right when I walked through the door. Especially fun for me was meeting some of the other forum members (although I can't recall everyone's name) and I offer a special thanks to ssjones who I believe is the initiator of the forum members meet and great table. I also had the pleasure of meeting Brian Levine and it was fun to pick his brain a bit about the radio show. Later Brian even assisted me by tapping into his vast knowledge and experience to look over a pipe I was considering buying and he also gave me some pipe cleaners. Thanks again Brian!
While at the Cornell and Diehl table a very friendly and knowledgeable guy was telling be about some of the tobaccos and pipes I had questions about and unsolicited he gave me a free t-shirt! I met Jonathan Lavezzo from the Charlottesville Va based Moonshine Pipeworks and really liked his work. He was a very friendly, his pipes looked great, and his prices were reasonable. I will be adding one of his pipes to my collection in the near future.
Wish I had written down his name but there was a CORPS member who was selling a handful of pipes from his personal collection from which I picked up a unknown maker oom paul for $20. I thank you sir, I have been wanting an oom paul for some time and promise to take care of her :)


Near then end of the day I made my way over to the Bard's Vintage Briar table. After digging through the vast collection of pipes he had to offer I found a few that I wanted to buy but just didn't have the money so I moved on. Then on my way out of the show I realized I'd forgotten to get one of Jason Bard's business cards so I went back. Now listen, I'm not crying a river or anything but the fact is I had a pretty limited budget to work with as far as spending money for the show. When I went back for his card I decided to make Jason an offer on a pipe, which was all that I had left to spend, he accepted my offer and for that I am grateful. He has just secured a repeat customer and someone who will recommend his business.
Oh, along with the multiple free tins of Sutliff tobacco given out I bought two blends that I have been wanting to try, a tin of C&D We Three Kings and a tin of Dunhill 965.


Thank you to all those involved who made this show happen. I know that my limited spending at this years show cannot sustain a show like this but it sure was fun and I can't wait to clean up the estates I bought.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
@vaBriar: it was great to meet you, thanks for stopping by the forums table. You chose well with Jason at Bards Vintage Briar. He lives near me and we are hoping to start an area pipe club in Frederick, MD. I'll look forward to getting to know him better.



Might Stick Around
Oct 13, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
Great reviews of the CORPS pipe show. I attended the show (last set of tables on the right side against the wall) with my friend Bill Kotyk. I tried to engage anyone that came to our table and offer them a free sample of the tobacco we had (Emperor Leopaldo's Special Reserve Blend), if they liked a Virginia/Stoved Virginia Blend. I went through 5 tins over the two days in samples. It was not for sale as it was a private tinning. McClelland also had samples of the blend available at their table.
Many of the people at the show that offer products do not want to appear to be 'pushy' so engagement may not always be easy. There is a fine line. Some people may see it as being too pushy. I had a good time and got very positive feedback on the tobacco blend. I enjoyed meeting all the people that took the time to talk with me. Haggling over a price on a pipe is traditional at pipe shows. If you are considering a pipe, the price on the pipe is a starting point. One can always go down, but never up so the price on a pipe (especially an estate pipe) is usually a starting point.
I found it interesting that at one table, the person there offered 50% off the retail price of a new pipe and actually purchased a very expensive pipe of him at, what seemed to me, a great price. My only advice in going to a pipe show is to have a good knowledge on the value/price of a pipe. Don't be afraid to offer a lower price. The person offering the pipe can only say no - and that it should not be taken in a negative way. The other thing to remember is that to many of the people selling pipes is that it is a business and they operate in that manner.
I sincerely hope that the CORPS show continues. I have always had a great time at the show.

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