It had been a couple of years since was able to attend the CORPS show so I'm glad I made it this year. I was blown away by the friendliness and generosity of folks which started right when I walked through the door. Especially fun for me was meeting some of the other forum members (although I can't recall everyone's name) and I offer a special thanks to ssjones who I believe is the initiator of the forum members meet and great table. I also had the pleasure of meeting Brian Levine and it was fun to pick his brain a bit about the radio show. Later Brian even assisted me by tapping into his vast knowledge and experience to look over a pipe I was considering buying and he also gave me some pipe cleaners. Thanks again Brian!
While at the Cornell and Diehl table a very friendly and knowledgeable guy was telling be about some of the tobaccos and pipes I had questions about and unsolicited he gave me a free t-shirt! I met Jonathan Lavezzo from the Charlottesville Va based Moonshine Pipeworks and really liked his work. He was a very friendly, his pipes looked great, and his prices were reasonable. I will be adding one of his pipes to my collection in the near future.
Wish I had written down his name but there was a CORPS member who was selling a handful of pipes from his personal collection from which I picked up a unknown maker oom paul for $20. I thank you sir, I have been wanting an oom paul for some time and promise to take care of her
Near then end of the day I made my way over to the Bard's Vintage Briar table. After digging through the vast collection of pipes he had to offer I found a few that I wanted to buy but just didn't have the money so I moved on. Then on my way out of the show I realized I'd forgotten to get one of Jason Bard's business cards so I went back. Now listen, I'm not crying a river or anything but the fact is I had a pretty limited budget to work with as far as spending money for the show. When I went back for his card I decided to make Jason an offer on a pipe, which was all that I had left to spend, he accepted my offer and for that I am grateful. He has just secured a repeat customer and someone who will recommend his business.
Oh, along with the multiple free tins of Sutliff tobacco given out I bought two blends that I have been wanting to try, a tin of C&D We Three Kings and a tin of Dunhill 965.
Thank you to all those involved who made this show happen. I know that my limited spending at this years show cannot sustain a show like this but it sure was fun and I can't wait to clean up the estates I bought.