CORPS Show (Richmond/VA) 2014

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18 Fresh Genod Pipes
3 Fresh Jared Coles Pipes
108 Fresh Savinelli Pipes
60 Fresh Ropp Pipes
3 Fresh Becker Pipes

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Part of the Furniture Now
Feb 7, 2013
Awww. I wish I could have made it this year. Looks like a blast!



Sultan of Smoke
Aug 31, 2012
Al: Reddog sold a little, but not that much. I know some retailers did not do well. Lots of competition, lots of top retail prices and some would not bargain or bargain fairly. I also noticed some people didn't engage those who stopped by, which I consider to be a mistake. Even if you know that person isn't likely to buy anything, you should speak to him/her so they'll at the very least have an enjoyable conversation, and a good impression of you. Maybe they'll return? Maybe that will translate into their thinking more about your products? You never know. Some vendors just sat there like a bump on the log and didn't look like they care about selling, which doesn't help their cause that much. They don't have to plus-sell anybody, but at least show some interest in people who are looking at your wares.
In my case, I had nothing to sell, and don't work for Sutliff, so I could just be myself, have fun, and give away tobacco. I did it for free and for joy of it. Well, it's a lot of fun being an enabler, and I enjoyed every minute spent talking to my fellow pipers. But, had I been a seller, I still would have engaged potential customers in conversation. Then again, I do like to talk a lot.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I'm with you Jim and enjoy chatting with everyone. How often does a get get a chance to talk to the rock stars of the pipe world? I agree, some vendors were a bit demure. I'm glad Reddog did OK. Most of the vendors I spoke with said they had a good show.



Jan 16, 2013
Great report, Al! And thanks for sharing the pics. Always a pleasure to see you and meet folks from the forums, despite my not getting on here very often. layinpipe and sailorjeremy, it was fun to meet you both and reminisce for a few minutes about the Hampton Roads area, where I was once stationed myself.
I do have to agree with Jimlnks with regard to how some vendors didn't engage fellow pipers. Many vendors were very personable and it was a pleasure to chat with them. However, with the little bit of time that I had to leave my table and shop for myself, some never acknowledged me or anyone else at their table. My father in law and I had a conversation about it on the drive home and thought it was just sort of odd.
I had another fantastic show this year supported by both repeat, new customers, sales to several large and small retailers and brought home many customer's pipes for restoration including a prized Dunhill from a CORPS member. Regardless of whether I thought anyone spent time at my table to simply browse, buy or chat, I tried very hard to acknowledge anyone and everyone who took even one minute from their day to spend it in front of myself and my tables. A pipe show can be especially overwhelming for folks just getting into the hobby who just don't know what it is they want or might be in the market for. A simple and friendly Hello or Good Morning opens the door to potentially help someone find exactly what they might like, whether it's even on my table or not.
Somehow, some way...I hope that someone with the resources is able to step up and help keep this event going for many more years.
Glad to see Reddog did ok. Basil is true gentleman and craftsman.



Part of the Furniture Now
May 16, 2011
I think there is variation in the way sellers feel about "engaging" a buyer. Some carvers I know tend not to hound a buyer, but engage them in simple conversation. Could be different things for different people.
To me, there is nothing worse than going to a carver's table, looking at the pipes, and having them say things like "see anything you can't live without?" or "That one has your name on it!!" or even worse, "I'm offering xx percent off for the next 10 minutes!!"
Pushy pipe sellers are sorta weird. It makes the whole pipe show experience nothing but a sales opportunity, which it is not. If I like something on the table, I'll let you know.
At the same time, I understand dudes want to make money. But it's about much more to me, I guess.



Might Stick Around
Nov 17, 2013
Had a really good show, sales were ok but more important was the opportunity to meet and chat with new and old friends. The tobacco was fantastic! So many blends and only two days to try them.... that's what samples are for.



Jan 16, 2013
adam12, I hope that I didn't misrepresent myself. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Everyone has their own approach and agenda.
Comradery is a large part of these gatherings. I don't have very many local folks who share my passion for pipes, let alone have a conversation about how a Kirsten pipe works or how I'm a sucker for a craggy blast. They'd look at me like I was nuts. :D

So, I simply greet everyone that approaches and perhaps it turns to conversation. It's easy to see if someone just doesn't want to talk... I'm respectful of that. But for the most part, those simple greetings have created many new friendships in the process. When vending, it's not always easy to find the time to walk the floor, appreciate all of the talent and hard work that's represented, create new friendships or rekindle old ones. Standing behind your table is sometimes the only opportunity to do that.
Being the closest show to me, I really hope that it can continue. The CORPS and sponsors did another fantastic job this year. The pack-out and drive home was bittersweet.



Mar 1, 2013
Great pics, thanks for sharing. I am also glad to see that some forum members got to meet up and share a few bowls in person.



Can't Leave
Feb 25, 2014
I had a great time! Thanks again to all who attended and took the time to chat with Corey (layinpipe) and myself. I agree Jason, there were a few vendors who were more concerned with making a sale than networking or talking to a potential customer, but everyone is different. No one was rude and that's good enough for me :) You could certainly tell who was passionate about the hobby and was equally concerned with meeting new people.I sincerely hope this wasn't the last show. Hopefully someone picks up the torch and continues running with it.



Staff member
May 11, 2011
Covington, Louisiana
I guess that I'll have to attend Chicago to make the comparison. Certainly Chicago is seen as the Gold Standard of pipe shows. I do like being able to smoke at the venue. Smoking in a tent outside doesn't sound appealing to me. I think you would be hard pressed to find a decent hotel in VA that allows smoking in the venue. The hotel chosen for the NYC show is a good example (no offense to the NYC folks, they have their own challenges). This was my 3rd year at Richmond. I'll have to look back thru my old pictures to contrast the different years. I've come to know most of the East Coast guys, so that aspect is appealing to me.



Aug 12, 2011
Excellent pics Al. Good to put some faces with names. Thanks for posting them.
BTW- Why is the show ending ? Is it due to lack of participation from attendees or lack of Vendors or is it just coming to the end and no one to take over for the people who have held it together for 30 years?



Mar 3, 2012
Who is newbie? I'd like to know who this knowledgeable gentleman is. I assume I have to know him as he seems to have intimate knowledge of my club and quite a few vendors, etc. the reality is that the walkin traffic was over 200. If 2015 materializes it will be a two day affair and all will be welcome. As a matter of fact, three major blenders have already committed. So please, introduce yourself.

Happy Smoking,




Aug 12, 2011
Thank you Newbie , thank you Shellbriar. I hope that all works out and the CORPS show is able to continue. With so much negative press and negative publicity on every aspect of smoking already, I hate to see any show close down. Happy smoking! :puffpipe:



May 11, 2013
Some vendors just sat there like a bump on the log and didn't look like they care about selling, which doesn't help their cause that much.
Guys walking around pipe shows typically aren't on a quest for the perfectly executed billiard (that's probably a good thing or I wouldn't sell many pipes...:)...They are more likely to buy pipes from pipemakers who they have a connection with. I've been at shows with folks who barely grunt when someone walks by- they don't sell many pipes. We usually have pretty good shows- due in large part to having Greta with me at the shows. That woman can move some pipes! We have a great time meeting new folks and old friends at shows, but when you fly into 4 shows a year, you'd better be selling some pipes or else be independently wealthy...
I wish we could have made that show...but it was just too soon after Nashville....



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 27, 2013
I attended on Sunday for a few hours with my wife. This was my first pipe show despite meaning to attend CORPS for the past 15 years. I wish I didn't wait until the last year to finally drive down.
I agree that some vendors did not really engage, but understand that they may have been tired the last few hours on the last day. I did enjoy speaking with John Hayes (purchased two estate Tinsky's and discussed the history of the Tinsky Christmas Pipe), Dennis Congos (Great collection of Charatan's Makes for sale. Purchased two older Charatan's Make sandblasts), the Pipe Tart (Great to see an Aerobilliard in person), and Robin Adair (Fantastic to see that Tinsky Christmas pipe collection). I also picked up a briar tamper and two used pipe racks from two other vendors.

Charatan's Make red sandblast. I believe this is from the early 1960's

Charatan's Make dark sandblast. I believe this is from 1955-1960.

Mark Tinsky 2008 Christmas Pipe in Coral finish.

Mark Tinsky 2000 Christmas Pipe in Pristine two star finish


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