Recently I’ve been on the hunt for a bulk blend that tastes as great as Hearth and Home BlackHouse, but they’ve been coming up short. I realize BlackHouse is a Sobranie clone, but since I’ve never had Sobranie, I’m not necessarily chasing that exact flavor specifically.
With high hopes and no small amount of excitement I recently ordered some Sutliff Sobranie Original Match and Arango Balkan Supreme. Neither one quite hits the mark for me. Arango is sort of a monochromatic lat bomb. The match is closer, but tastes a bit muted.
For the sake of being more specific, what I adore about BlackHouse is the Va-forward sweetness combined with the delicate sour incense notes from the orientals. The Latakia is condimental at best. This blend dances across the tongue and transports me to far away places, while the aforementioned bulks make me think of... tobacco.
These bulks aren’t bad blends by any means, and I know a lot of people rave about them. They just don’t inspire my ‘buds. So, all of that being said, does anyone have recommendations on bulk blends that capture that BlackHouse magic? I have no problem simply buying tins of the stuff, but it would be nice to have a slightly cheaper bulk alternative to stock up on, too.
With high hopes and no small amount of excitement I recently ordered some Sutliff Sobranie Original Match and Arango Balkan Supreme. Neither one quite hits the mark for me. Arango is sort of a monochromatic lat bomb. The match is closer, but tastes a bit muted.
For the sake of being more specific, what I adore about BlackHouse is the Va-forward sweetness combined with the delicate sour incense notes from the orientals. The Latakia is condimental at best. This blend dances across the tongue and transports me to far away places, while the aforementioned bulks make me think of... tobacco.
These bulks aren’t bad blends by any means, and I know a lot of people rave about them. They just don’t inspire my ‘buds. So, all of that being said, does anyone have recommendations on bulk blends that capture that BlackHouse magic? I have no problem simply buying tins of the stuff, but it would be nice to have a slightly cheaper bulk alternative to stock up on, too.