@mso489 you and cosmic are probably right, I’ve no doubt. If I want BlackHouse I should buy exactly that. I was hoping there was a more miserly version sitting out there unnoticed, but perhaps it’s a fool’s errand. I’ll continue to stock up on tins of the real thing while I explore more options ?
You may like Wilke's Surbrug Crystal Palace. Here's my review of it.
The smoky, woody, earthy, musty, incense-like, sweet Cyprian Latakia is the lead component as well as a team player. The toasty, nutty, earthy, woody burley is in an important support position. The unsweetened brown sugary black cavendish almost plays a secondary role as does the grassy, citrusy, lightly dark fruity Virginias. The plum is more noticeable than the spice from the perique, which continually lurks in the background. The strength barely reaches the medium level while the taste sits squarely on that mark. The nic-hit is just past the center of mild to medium. No chance of bite and has no rough edges or harshness. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace with very consistent, well balanced mildly sweet and lightly savory flavor from start to finish. Leaves little dampness in the bowl and requires an average number of relights. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste, and can be all day smoke. The sweetness reminds me a little of Balkan Sobranie 759.