Condor, Hate It or Love It (?)

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Dec 12, 2016
First off, this is not a review, just a rant. I have managed to get my hands on this, my parents brought it over from Tenerife when they went there - I understand that it is a common OTC blend all over Spain though. I am not sure how to describe this blend. After my first bowl all I can say is that ... it's soapy. There are various hints of flowers and other stuff over there, but that casing is so in your face that on my first impression I can't say anything beyond that. It's a fine smoke, no bite, no moisture, easy to handle ... but boy, that soapy stuff sure is persistent. At the end of the day it grows on you, so yes, I will continue to smoke this as at the end of the day it was quite agreeable, but I can understand why some simply love it and some do not at all. Probably in the past there have been versions of this tobacco that were less soapy (?) but this EU made version (Poland I believe) may not the best version of condor. I tried the tobacco in that no name Cavalier I posted about last week ... maybe I should try a different pipe. What do you guys suggest?

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Dec 22, 2013
New York
Condor is a bit hit or miss these days. To me they all taste 'off' although a chum of mine in Finland says the flake in the brown pouch is fine and unchanged. We all know my opinion, ably supported by Jim Inks view on the "plug' which is that JTI has has managed to FUBAR it in Poland and it now tastes a pale imitation of the Irish original. I suppose if you are new to the brand you won't notice the nuances that us old timers see. To me it is still a little 'soapy' but it just doesn't have that 'full on' Auntie Mables laundry basket kick to it or to put it another way it doesn't taste of Fairy washing up liquid.



Dec 12, 2016
Hmmm JimInks may be unto something, suggesting a meer. It doesn't seem to ghost that bad though, or at least this version doesn't seem to.

Jul 28, 2016
Definitely, the flake version in brown pouches is superior, and in all probability in some places is available in Spain as well, our highly esteemed forum member Mr. Condorlover made me familiar with various condor offerings, and agreed as it was with Warhorse green,it'll take some time to get accustomed with these,almost exclusively I have smoked these in meerschaums, though the flake version does not seem to ghost that much,yet the toppings are less applied.

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Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Love it, absolutely love it! Yup, even the batches that start with a B, at least the Plug version! But I don’t find it soapy at all, not like some of the GH&Co’s. I think it’s easy to confuse soapy with floral as some people think anything floral tastes like soap. Anyway, a friend sent me some polish Condor (both LC and the plug) so I look forward to comparing it to my stash of Condor.



Feb 11, 2016
Austin, TX
Thank you sir! I have heard that if your batch number contains a B at the front than it was produced in Poland and if it has an L it was produced in Ireland. Out of all the Plugs I’ve hauled back in 2016 & early 2017 only a handful of my Plugs start with a B. If the B in an indication that it was indeed produced in Poland than I can’t taste a tad bit of difference between the two. In fact, Simon (condorlover) gifted me a Condor Plug from 1985 (thanks again) and to my palate it tasted exactly like the Condor ive come to know and love. I really didn’t taste much of any difference other than the Condor from the 80’s sauce tasted weaker than the stuff I’m used to now. Since I’m not totally sure that the B means it is definitely from Poland, I’ll try to do some back to back comparisons with bonafied Polish Condor Plug that my friend just sent me. Now maybe this is just that I don’t have a sophisticated palate and if that’s the case, I guess that works in my favor!



Dec 12, 2016
hawky454 St Bruno is floral, condor seems soapy ... well, for a lack of better word, you can imagine I haven't actually tasted soap, probably wouldn't be around if I had a slice of soap bar with my toast :lol:



Feb 21, 2013
Interesting discussion. Soapy doesn't sound good, but aromatics are so various, and variable. My idea of aromatics of quality is that the flavoring boosts and complements the flavor of the tobaccos. New blends always draw some attention to their differences, but mostly I don't want to be experiencing the flavoring as much or more than the tobacco. Still, some get deeply attached to the flavorings as with many G&H blends, and some old timers like Mixture No. 79. The latter I actually find pretty good, flavoring supporting the leaf.



Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
Reminds me of when I was a kid and my mom caught me cussing. She would make me eat soap to clean the "dirty" words out. Not currently my cup of tea or pipe bowl. BTW, I still cuss far too much for some folks taste!



Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 4, 2013
Same as hawky. I don't really perceive a soapy-ish taste from Condor. I associate it with a floral taste but my taste buds are definitely not Jiminks-ish. I love the stuff. The Polish variety tastes weaker to me but if that was all I had I would smoke it. Just recently got some RR from the 70s in a pouch, and it was definitely stronger to my tastes, but more so on the nic-hit which I don't really feel from the newer stuff.

Jun 9, 2018
I've only tried the Condor Long Cut but I really enjoyed it, I didn't get any soapy taste but rather a floral with slight alcohol flavour, I didn't think it was that amazing at first but by the end of the packet I'd definitely become a convert.

Sadly I never got to try the pre-Polish made version but from what the Condor experts on here say the Long Cut is pretty close to the Irish made original.

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Feb 28, 2013
I had the Irish Condor Long Cut from was great, with out a doubt my favorite tobacco, then I got some of the Polish Condor and to is c-r-a-p!...sorry, but the flavor to me is just plain nasty, not the smooth wonderful taste that it used to have.



Oct 12, 2011
I still smoke the plug(a Lot!) thanks to a very dear friend. Is there changes, yes, but if left on a desert isle with Condor Plug and a Meer Cutty the world could kiss my ass... :wink:

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