Coming Out of the Piper Closet!

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Nov 30, 2020
Sydney, Australia
Both my parents smoked cigarettes, which I really can't abide. I'm the only one in my (extended) family who smokes. All of the family know I smoke - I just don't smoke around them.

I have cigar and pipe afternoons with mates who smoke. I don't invite anyone who may be put off someone smoking. I have friends who don't smoke, but join in for the company, and dare I say, to enjoy the aroma of fine cigars and/or pipe tobacco


Might Stick Around
Aug 3, 2021
Central Florida
I don't understand the need here to "come out of the closet" on the matter of pipe smoking in particular or smoking in general. It seems to me to be a personal matter. That said, I live in the US and in the US South where smoking in particular isn't considered to be quite taboo. In the state of Florida you can still smoke in bars provided less than 10% of their revenue comes from food there's that.

As for how I personally came out to the family as a pipe smoker I packed and lit my pipe in front of them. Considering that I had three Uncles and two grandparents already at the table smoking cigarettes it was hardly shocking. I was 16 then. I'm 42 now and anyone who knows me knows I smoke. I just do what I do and anyone who doesn't like it...well they can go somewhere unpleasant.
I'm almost 40 years old but if my mom found out I smoke it would break her heart. Frankly, I don't plan on ever coming out of the closet to her on this one.
I can see you are from the UK. I don't think people from the US, as most are in this group, would necessarily understand the conundrum. In a lot of ways, the US is a more open society than here, and there, it seems, you can do mostly what you want without being judged by others. Anyone under the age of 60 who smokes a pipe here, will be judged a pretentious wanker, in a way I suspect a smoker of a similar age would not in America. I certainly do not smoke in front of others. Cigarettes yes, but anything other than that, no chance. A cigar, maybe, if it was a special occassion and everyone else was smoking them. But a pipe, not in a million years. Those days are long since gone in this country.
I’m getting that the more I read responses on this and other posts… definite culture difference depending on from which side of the pond you hail!


May 6, 2011
Olathe, Kansas
Despite the number of blockheads that we all know virtually anyone who gets near you will smell the tobacco on you. And trust me you will not be able to detect a thing so don't go thinking you are special. Pipe smoking unless done as part of a group is a solitary activity. I personally prefer to smoke in a group either in the pipe club or at the smoke shop but most of my bowls are consumed in the house in my den. The wife doesn't mind if I smoke but you can never tell about people that come over.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
I say if it's worrying you, then probably best to get it out of the way. A good place to start the conversation in my opinion is by showing off your most interesting pipe. The thing is if you're "out" you can stop worrying about peoples reactions. The whole time you're waiting for people to find out you are carrying that stress or worry. I bet they won't react as much as you think they will. Also even if it takes them a few years they'll have to accept it.
The above was the honest opinion and advice, from here on I am just joking. Start by telling people you used to smoke crack and the pipe keeps you from beaming up, they'll have to accept the pipe as the lesser of two evils ;).
Back to a more serious statement. You think telling people you smoke a pipe is tricky? Take up nasal snuff.


Jul 19, 2018
You think telling people you smoke a pipe is tricky? Take up nasal snuff.
Tell me about it. It's a winter time treat and I don't hide my snuff tins - they're on the table next to my recliner. I'm pretty sure my family sees them and assumes they're some sort of tobacco. They're right of course, and we'll just leave it at that.

Pipe smoking? There's nothing to explain. The chest/coffee table containing 75 pounds of tobacco tins in the living room on the other hand....


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Tell me about it. It's a winter time treat and I don't hide my snuff tins - they're on the table next to my recliner. I'm pretty sure my family sees them and assumes they're some sort of tobacco. They're right of course, and we'll just leave it at that.

Pipe smoking? There's nothing to explain. The chest/coffee table containing 75 pounds of tobacco tins in the living room on the other hand....
I never had someone ask if pipes get you like high like really? Happens with snuff all the time. And you think it's hard to get new smokers to slow down? Everyone snorts their first snuff like it's cocaine in a bad movie about cocaine.


Feb 21, 2013
There ain't nothing in the closets around here but jars and tins, so you can't come out, because you can't get in. But seriously, practically speaking, the places you can smoke socially are so few, there's no need to declare yourself a smoker except until you would be smoking in someone's presence. Then just ask if it would be okay, and go from there. One time my tax preparer lady asked me if I had ever smoked. I said yes, I smoked a pipe. She broke into a huge grin, nodded, and said, "Of course, of course." It seemed to compete some picture of me that hadn't yet quite formed.