Clay Pipes

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Might Stick Around
Oct 17, 2011
Hello there fellow pipe smokers

What are your experiences with clay pipe? I've ordered myself a cheap clay pipe for £6.50. At that price I figured 'Hey, why not?'

So, what do you think of clay pipes?



Jan 23, 2012
I bought an English Civil war style clay pipe. The bowl was too small to use the normal pipe tool so I had to use a pencil en as a tamper. It smoked great and the smoke is pure, quite different to briar. The only tobacco that didn't work was Mellow Virginia which was too thick to put down the bowl and constantly had to be relit or had to puff fast to keep it going.
I decided to buy more from Dawnmist in UK who makes some superb styles bought an Alderman (Queen Anne, Georgian style) with a bigger bowl and a Tudor style with a tiny bowl (use it for leftovers in briars)
I love them
cons: could break easily but none yet (touch Briar)

bowl can get hot! Never hold the bowl I hold the clay like a pencil supporting little finger on end.
Hope that helps!



Might Stick Around
Jan 7, 2012
Montréal, Canada
I've just ordered a 16" tavern pipe from they have some great products and all made in USA. Clays are cheap in general which is great. I've heard lots of great things about clays and can't wait to try mine. The limitations are obviously there, a 16" very fragile pipe is not leaving my house haha but a great addition to my rotation for when I'm relaxing at home. This style of pipe making has lots of history and it would be a shame for it to get forgotten. Buy a clay pipe!



Oct 13, 2011
Puget Sound
Buy a clay pipe!

Don't buy a clay pipe. Buy two or three. They will break.

Here are a couple of mine.

One is from the Seattle Pipe Club annual dinner.
The Antique Pamplin(Civil War style) Clay Bowl is from Ken Brewster was very kind to send the reed stem along as soon as they became available. I don't worry so much about breaking this one.
Clays give a very good smoke, but they are not good "carry around" pipes.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 26, 2012
Strictly due to the fact you are spamming the living hell out of this forum I will never take an interest in your pipes... well done.



Might Stick Around
Oct 26, 2012
I found that a clay pipe is best smoked at home reading for they tend to break very easy for me. I have reached for things too high and snapped one with my arms. I have put them in harms way a few times. It is a pipe to enjoy and chill out



Part of the Furniture Now
Just got a clay pipe in the mail today 3 actually elizabethan triple combo

So far I've smoked out of two of them twice each, they fit perfectly, with a rolled up ziploc baggy o' baccy and a few bl long's tapered cleaners, in a hard case I've had laying around from a men's complete travel grooming kit I bought for like two bucks from big lots back when I cared about such things as polished shoes and the like. Thus far I like them. they are only a 15-20 minute max smoke time, but, that is perfect for a quick break at work, and the case is only a little longer than the average cigarette pack and the same width and depth, so pocket portable.
Like I said I've smoked out of two because one of them is un-smokable there appears to be a glob of clay covering the air-hole on the blow side entirely. Gonna contact customer service on that one



Mar 23, 2012
Emerson, Arkansas
I have a few and smoke them once in a while. One thing is you get pure tobacco smoke, no

taste from the pipe. The bowl gets a bit hot, but I hold mine by the stem. I do enjoy my




Can't Leave
Nov 26, 2011
New Jersey
Last weekend I found an unsmoked clay at an antique shop. Just for yuks I took it home for $5.00 and fell in love with it as soon as I smoked it. Me and one of my sons ordered some more online, one 8" tavern pipe and a Civil War type with the reed stem. Love 'em. The downside is that I'm not very graceful, which means that the clays won't have a long life expectancy. Fortunately they're cheap enough to replace.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 26, 2012
My cousin bought be a clay "tavern" pipe from Williamsburg when I was about 8 (lol).... I need to find where that is and try it out.



Mar 22, 2012
New York
I've got a Zenith that came in a lot that I won off ebay. Don't smoke it much. Pretty tight draw. But then again I'm still a rookie at this pipe thing. I'll smoke a bowl from it this weekend.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 2, 2013
I can finally contribute to this thread I saw a LONG time ago.
I am smoking my first clay pipe as I type and oh man!! This thing is AMAZING!!! Nothing but pure tobacco flavor! I will definitely need to add some more to my collection after this experience. They are super light, like other have said the bowl does get hot but it's an easy thing to avoid... Don't hold it by the bowl lol. Now I just need to find a good dealer here in the U.S. so I don't have to wait a month before I can get it.
Thanks shaintiques!!!



Aug 5, 2016
Possibly the first pipe that I ever smoked, before I actually became a pipe smoker was a clay that I had bought at a revolutionary war reenactment site. I was maybe even still in high school. I rolled some tobacco out of one of my cigarettes and packed it and I can't say that I hated it, but now that I know what good tobacco is and how to smoke it, I think I'd like to pick up another one (I dont know what happened to first one).



Mar 25, 2014
Speaking of clay pipes, I just received a certified, authorized reproduction of a pre - Columbian clay pipe from Mexico. Although I haven't yet tried it, I'm fascinated by the idea of having and smoking a pipe shape designed before the Europeans set foot on this continent. This pipe represents a time when tobacco smoking was sacred and shows man has been smoking tobacco in pipes long before history can recount.

Jun 27, 2016
A clay pipe sounds like a good idea, and I've had it in the back of my mind to get one too. I looked around and wanted one with the painted bit so it doesn't stick to my lip and rip my lip off, and then I realized that I could just paint it with gloss enamel when I got one.

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