Clay pipe

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Nov 14, 2020
@halfdan If it’s not to much trouble, if there are some nice old world traditional UK looking tobacco shops, please take some pictures and post in WAYS next time you make posts.

I really love old world England, I’d love too see some old world pipe shops over there, if there are some.

Thanks! :)

P.S. This Wilson of Sharrow?

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Mar 13, 2020

You got me all excited for clays again, of course our resident Clay man @halfdan always inspires me when I see him puffing the clays.

So I will certainly grab a Markus Fohr clay, especially for testing new blends out, which I think is a great idea. I know a lot say MM Cobs too are great for the purposes of testing, which I’ve always used, not to mention being good smokers.

But now I’ll test in clay toos.

This one has my eyes;

This is my latest clay acquisition. Haven't tested it out yet though.


Dec 29, 2010
Pacific NW
@PipeIT I think it's a shame Wilson's of Sharrow (just down the road from me in Sheffield) stopped making them about 10 years ago. They have the old Pollock moulds; if they still made clay pipes I'd probably be their biggest customer!
Maybe you can buy their old molds from them and make your own pipes? A community art center would have a pottery kiln you could use. You could even press your own crest into the bowls.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
If your smoking RYO, as youve said, its dry enough out of the bag. With clay pipes the bowl will get hot no matter what, so your hold it by the stem. Just take a draw enough to keep it lit and as long as your tongue or moith doesn’t hurt, youll be fine. Don’t worry about the bowl getting too hot at this point i’d suggest. Just focus on smoking at a cadence that doesn’t burn your mouth/tongue.
well, the RYO still ended up clogging my pipe and leading to gurgling in 2 pipes in a row in a day,


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
Finally got a good Zippo with a perfect case. For some reason Ive been getting faulty cases...
Anyways, and I know that when I drop them on the floor, especially open.. it can end up contaminating the flame. And even if you light up something impure, or with oil for example (I ended up doing that one time) it also contaminates the flame.

Anyways.. i got a good one this time, along with another bad one lol. Im just collecting Zippos it seems. Anyways, and I found my Pipe lighter insert. I had a problem fighting a bee invasion and ended up spraying killer on a bunch of my stuff including my new pipe from which I just got the very same day. Argh. It's whatever. I'm just on my 5th one this month. Also with the lighters...


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
Also this RYO.. even though it's "RYO" so called, it's labelled Pipe tobacco. It is more moist than American Spirit tobacco which is what I've been used to for years before making the recent switch to pipe tobacco.

So yeah, maybe it can benefit from some drying. It doesn't burn the same in cigarettes either, very slow... and uneven but then again I just now got a new lighter.

Also i just prefer it more moist for the buzz... If it's dry.. i dont really get a buzz. The buzz depends on proper humidity. but in a pipe though.. it seems different I guess because it's packed more.

And my last lighter I got I dropped, again this month. And after that, lighting up cigs gave me headaches. So I had to get a new one.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
Also I kind of recommend Markus Fohr pipes as an "authentic" one.

Since I've gotten another one , my first one which gave me a lot of stomach problems.... I dont know what was wrong with it. But it was not "natural" like a Markus Fohr was.

Im not saying it's the only one though, which I haven't tried.

I also prefer it wrapped without anything, and Smokingpipes is a good site to get them from for that purpose. But if you dont care about that you know, also has a good selection. I smoked one from them and it was OK.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
I have a black one right now. I'm just going to be smoking dry stuff from this. And maybe I can get the hang of it.

Then I have a "special candle"... that maybe I can try 'firing' it with but I doubt it. If anything I'll try the saltwater method.. but I need some time to collect them because I dont want to mess anyone up and be left without one. If i can afford it anyway.

Eventually I'll just have to invest in a good briar I guess if I can learn how to take care of that too.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
yeah but in a cigarette or RMO it's not really the same.. the humidity is kind of essential, that's why people dont like stale cigarettes I guess.

But in a pipe it's probably different because it's packed more.. I bet American Spirit would be nice in a pipe, inhaled, but I dont know about taking out the humidity, especially if I want to inhale it. tbh I would not use a clay pipe. I'd use these unglazed jade ones I'm used to. Very small bowl though.

maybe I can try inhaling from a clay pipe though... it's just maybe not as desirable. Maybe the black ones are better for that.. since they have been colored with Woodsmoke.

From a briar it might be good.
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
yeah I dont know if dryness and staleness are the same as in prewrapped cigarettes anyways. Since I roll mine as I go...

but still in my experience dry stuff does not smoke well rolled up regardless of how it rolls. Wel, it may have a "nicotine hit" but it just doesn't hit you the same. It kinda needs to be mellowed.. otherwise it feels like you're just smoking hot air, and the buzz hits you, like, 'too quick' that you dont notice.


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
yeah so I do think I can smoke more humid tobaccos in the clay pipe. It's just I'd have to fire it.. And if the salt water thing works.. but I have to develop skills in that first.

But that's also why I like the suggestion of using American Spirit because.. well, if you inhale it you only need a couple puffs before you're done so the pipe won't really get too hot. Because you're not smoking it like a pipe, or you're inhaling....


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
yeah if this dry smoking thing turns out good then maybe i can try it with the whole leaf i prepare at home.

Since I like to wash the leaves ,before drying and rehumidifying. But I still need to get the hang of that last part (rehumdifying with the terra cotta stone..)


Nov 14, 2020
I’m not talking about stale.

Tabac moisture is a personal preference, but there are certainly some blends that are extremely moist, to down right goopy, and they do need to dried, how much, again, a personal preference.

Most here will say, when someone is having difficulty, to dry more than usual and not to pack to tight, and have a slow smoking cadence, sipping too.

And, different blends will behave in different ways, so you won’t always dry them all the same too.

Just experiment till you find what works for you. ;)


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
So far it's a lot better smoking dry tobacco. No gurgling issues so far into the day, and normally by the end of it , it would have been gurgling or clogging.

I have a black one. But now I realize I prefer the white ones... because it seems the black ones have some kind of glaze over them on the outside... but not in the bowl. Maybe they were buffed in some wax that the white ones arent buffed with. So yeah for that, because I dont know what kind of wax is being used, I would stick to the white clay ones.

It's still not bad.. atleast i'm not hitting the flame with the part that is covered in the glaze (even though it goes a little into the bowl, the top part)... so it's OK.

I got a cool forged steel tamper. I would like one of those pewter ones also.. if I could find one that doesnt have a design, or just the most basic Pipe Nail design...

Also I have another white one, from another seller.. kind of small. And it had a stronger smell of clay ? than the other ones I got. Hm.. maybe it was not "fresh" or something...


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
I think even the white ones are buffed with something as well... it just may not come out as shiny as the black ones. So that when you fire them, and/or try to clean them wouldn't the wax go inside?

Who knows. I was told it was just clay, but they didn't tell me about the buffing part. Oh well. That's why I need to get into unfinished Briars later on, once I can learn how to buff those stems.

Actually who knows. I could also just get a clay with a vulcanite stem also?

But it's still alright. The Markus Fohr ones haven't given me any complaints as regards the symptoms I was getting from the first clay pipe I tried...
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
or a Meerschaum. Hm, do they have unglazed Meerschaums one can use a vulcanite stem with?

Wait. They use bone ash to polish them. So nvm. (I'm vegan or I try to be).

So whatever. I guess there might be some clay that can be used with a vulcanite stem...


Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 2, 2022
Yeah Clay pipes arent really good for inhaling. Atleast me personally. So nevermind on using American Spirit for it. Unless you really want to try smoking it as a pipe tobacco without inhaling...

but RYO pipe tobacco is pretty much pipe tobacco too, so I can still use it, just dry, and it is probably more 'naturally' aromatic as a pipe tobacco. Probably also because of the moisture.. it is more moist than American Spirit... But it can be dried to the same level of humidity. I just wanted to try it because American Spirit has a dry humidity I thought would work well in a clay pipe, so, who knows.

Also I think I would best smoke only dry stuff in clays if I want to preserve them for long without cleaning them if I want to just keep replacing them... but I want to know how long that really lasts...

So yeah actually, it's possible to smoke American Spirit in the clay pipe, and it would probably work well because of the humidity being drier than RYO pipe tobacco.. it's just that it seems more acidic than the pipe tobaccos, so that one doesnt really get much of the nicotine hit from smoking it like a pipe tobacco... so ie it "must" be inhaled. Though not always, infact I was enjoying doing that a lot when I was still smoking American Spirit to test it out. And it's not bad. It taught me how to do the 'nose inhales'.

but nevermind. If I already have Pipe tobacco I shd just work to get it to the same humidity as I'm used to in American Spirit.. and try that.
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