I currently have 5 churchwardens. I don't smoke them very other, but I love them when I do.
From the top:
A 1960's Sterncrest silver band I put a long stem on. I will be putting a short stem on and using that stem for the big bowl Ben Wade next to it. The Sterncrest looks great but hasn't impressed me smoking it.
A Savinelli Punto Oro that I put a long stem on. It is gorgeous and smokes great. I will be sending that to Savinelli Italy to get an original stem on it, so I will have both options. It will then be my number 1 pipe.
A H.I.S. Italian smaller warden my wife bought me on our honeymoon moon. It smokes great!
A MM Cobwardden I put together. Smokes great! The angle for the straight stem on the bent cob makes it very easy to smoke. There is an argument to be made that this could be the perfect pipe.
A Savinelli Capri Root Bulldog half-bent with a straight stem I put together. It has an o-ring transition. Smokes and feels great!! Again the straight stem on a bent body works great for me, probably because you hold it a few inches lower.
I keep them all in a converted poker chip case.
As you can see, I like sticking warden stems on pipes! After talking about them, I see that I need to use them more!!!