Both Charatan and Dunhill made great pipes. My late father-in-law was a serious Dunhill collector, with over 900 specimen from all eras, very rare pieces, all kept in fitted drawers. At the time I smoked primarily Dunhill pipes.
I got curious about Charatan and bought a few. My father-in-law got curious and borrowed them off me. I didn't get them back until after he passed, he loved them too much to give them back.
But both of these went away when I tried my first Barling. This was a pipe that delivered more flavor from the blends I was smoking, than any Dunhill I had and the bit was more comfortable that my Charatans.
A couple of top tier Dunhill dealers I knew, who smoked Barlings for their personal use, quite independently put it to me this way, Dunhill focused on passable wood with superb stemwork, Charatan focused on superb wood with passable stemwork, and Barling focused of superb everything. With more than a century of combined experience between them, who was I to argue?
So I'd have to go with the winning team, Team Barling.