I only really smoke an aromatic in the morning with my coffee. I'm really not very drawn to them overall. But, I don't consider myself genre dependent.
Maybe when I get really old...
Maybe when I get really old...
I only really smoke an aromatic in the morning with my coffee. I'm really not very drawn to them overall. But, I don't consider myself genre dependent.
Maybe when I get really old...
I prefer the rum.Super Value Vanilla
Everything else is fringe smoking.
Just laughing at the Super Value Rum! Maybe it's delicious!?
I was just about to edit my comment and say I like aros where I can taste the tobacco too. But generally I find that the aromatic qualities don't change much from start to finish of a bowl but tobacco certainly goes through flavor changes as a bowl goes on. That is probably the biggest reason I find overly aromatics kind of dull, nope still tastes like fruit in the same way.I went mostly non-aromatic for a while, and I'm glad I did, to get a better feel for the various kinds of tobacco without flavoring, and mostly that's what I still smoke, but I too appreciate good tobacco forward aromatics. If I can't taste the tobacco, and if the flavoring covers rather than accents the tobacco, I get bored with a blend very fast. But a blend can be good to me whether it is flavored or not, if it is done with intelligence and art. Some fine old classics have some flavoring.
This is also a reason I avoid aros. Nicotine is certainly part of the reason I smoke and most aros fail to deliver on that front. I can accept lower nicotine in a Latakia blend as they tend to make up for it with endless amounts of flavor. Harder to forgive in an aro.Yes, I find myself in the mood for an aromatic pretty often. I mostly scratch that itch with SWRA most aros seem to be a little short on the nicotine. Its a shame that the blenders dont make some nic stronger aromatics. I guess the Lakeland stuff counts for that.. but those blends aren't exactly what I think of when I think of aromatics.
This is also a reason I avoid aros. Nicotine is certainly part of the reason I smoke and most aros fail to deliver on that front. I can accept lower nicotine in a Latakia blend as they tend to make up for it with endless amounts of flavor. Harder to forgive in an aro.
I would prefer a tobacco to taste like Stinkor or Mossman rather than Strawberry Shortcake's bicycle seat.![]()
I'll take a strawberry glazed mustache.?I would prefer a tobacco to taste like Stinkor or Mossman rather than Strawberry Shortcake's bicycle seat
TR says its a burley blend, but its pretty flavor forward, it will ghost a pipe, smoked consistently.So University Flake is an aromatic; I thought it was a burley blend. Now I must really get me a tin!!