I too started with cavendish style aros, and lightly cased burley blends, both in bulk and OTC. I smoked that type of tobacco almost exclusively for 20 years. And when the mood strikes, I will still reach for one of the few aromatic blends I have in my collection, but nowadays, it happens less and less frequently.
More recently I've shifted my taste toward english blends and found that most times I prefer a light English such as PS 17 English Luxury or better yet a nice American/English mixture that includes some latakia, various orientals and a very light topping. For me those "split the difference blends" offer the best of both worlds and unlike heavy english blends, they don't overpower my pallet and the room note is not offensive.
While many will turn their nose up at the very thought of packing an aromatic into either their expensive artisan or run of the mill production stove, there is something to be said about the pleasant odor that many aromatics give off. They are comforting because for many of us, they take us back to our youth,...childhood memories of fathers, grandfathers, uncles, etc who smoked a pipe are; at least for me, one of the driving factors for getting into and staying with this somewhat reckless hobby/obsession/passion.