Cellaring...How Much Should a Person Cellar?

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Aug 2, 2016
The distinction workman beyond whether it damages your life to engage in the activity would be whether the buying is "compulsive" and the buyer seems to have little choice but to buy, little control over the spending urge.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Dec 8, 2017
I'm cellaring based on what I expect my future weight to be when my metabolism slows down and I become more sedentary in later years.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I smoke my pipe both for the flavor and the relaxation.

Tobacco anxiety is not conducive to relaxation, and unless you can afford to lose all you've cellared, maybe that alone would cause anxiety, if you've got hundreds of lbs. stashed away.

As long as good tobacco is available, I don't feel compelled to hoard that much. (5 - 10 lbs. in variety bulks)

I rather enjoy buying a pound or two or three once or twice a year. If I had a huge 'cellar' I think I'd be more concerned about its survival than my own.



Apr 1, 2014
Colorado Rockies, Cripple Creek region
Male life expectancy is 76-81 so they say.
Being a 2-3 bowl per day smoker I don't really care about stockpiling tobacco. I might die today, may live to be 100. They'll still be tobacco to buy.
Right now I may have 50-60 pounds laying around, 2/3rds of them are blends I once liked - and now I can't stand. Plus I sold a lot of it off as I got tired of it taking up space in my cabin.
Yeah, I'll pay a bit more for a tin down the road but the price of everything keeps going up. It's not a big deal to me. Maybe another 15 years and I'll be in a better place anyway.
OTOH of a guy wants to "cellar" and make it an investment/business thing, tha's an entirely different gig. Buy all you can, buy all he hard-to-get- tobaccos and hoard up all the popular discontinued blends.
If anyone should hoard and stockpile it should be the cigarette smokers. Whats a pack of nasty cigs cost these days 5-7 bucks?



Aug 2, 2016
Kola, that is a possible down-side to cellaring a bunch of tobacco-that some years later you might not care for the tobacco you've just sunk a bunch of money in.



Dec 8, 2010
There are many rational reasons to cellar tobacco, but obsessive-compulsive behaviour is certainly the driving force behind many great collections. Everyone talks about TAD in jest but truly it could be a real problem for some people. It is easy to feel anxious because it feels like pipe tobacco is very vulnerable right now but it isn't worth stressing over too much.
Cellar what you like and hope to smoke in the future in quantities that you can afford.



Dec 16, 2016
I really only smoke OTC Carter Hall and Prince Albert, which I can waltz into my local tobacco shop and buy in tubs, so right now, I'm not putting any away in jars, just what I need for the next month or so.
I'm not a huge aero guy....only really smoke 1Q and a homebrew mix of Prince Albert and Black Cav (50-50).

Otherwise I'm only smoking burley.



Dec 8, 2010
There is no doubt that an American ban on internet sales would be a finishing blow for many of us - especially international pipe smokers.
I still buy tobacco even though I try to avoid excessive purchases but if that day comes I will simply have to rely upon my cellar unless there is a European supplier willing to come to my aid.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
By the time the Cap'n decides which 904/9004 yacht to sail, he often doesn't have time left to fill it!
That one's easy. I have my pipe filled the day before work so I can just grab it and go. :wink: I don't have a set rotation of them yet, but once I hit 31, they'll be smoked in order. Eleven more to go!



Can't Leave
Apr 11, 2018
Wichita, KS
I’m really liking bulk right now to add to the cellar. I’m the short term I want to pick up 24 oz bags of PS LNF and LBF to increase the cellar using pipes and cigars 25% sale.



Can't Leave
Apr 11, 2018
Wichita, KS
I recently picked up 2 lbs of Sutliff 515 RC-1, 500 g of Rattray’s Marlin Flake and Hal and 500g of SG Kendal Plug. I should have picked up a 500g of Old Gowrie as well but I limited myself.



Can't Leave
Jan 12, 2018
Cincinnati, Ohio
Previous to joining online forums and the like I didn't 'cellar' any tobacco. I smoked my one or two blends and would restock when I was close to being out. With the current regulatory measures that may or may not come to be I have cellared quite a bit of tobacco. Simply for self preservation. Even if I give up the hobby, I can still sell/get rid of my pipes and tobacco as they possess some residual value.
In regards to obsessive behavior, maybe cellaring is or is not obsessive. In comparison to my buddy who belongs to a country club and spends much more in time and money in a year than I will in ten years smoking my pipe, maybe not. However, I wouldn't describe my buddies participation in golf obsessive either



Jul 30, 2016
Vegas Baby!!!
I'm 55 years and I have 174 pounds in my cellar. I've only purchased one pound in the last year.
I don't really think about my cellar much, I just smoke my pipes. I really like that feeling.



Jun 6, 2017
Be advised, art & company. When I placed my Stokkebe's bulk purchase during this month's sale, the discount only applied to items added from the bulk selection, not the 24 oz box selection.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Apr 26, 2011
I have around 14 pounds, I'm only 38 but don't smoke a great deal. I did go a bit mad a few years ago and bought around $200 a month for a while but with a wedding coming up and buying protective equipment and swords for my HEMA obsession I now only buy around one tin a month, and a couple of cigars (trying to build up a bit of a cellar for that too). I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things once I'm a bit more solvent.



Oct 10, 2013
How much should a person cellar?
If you smoke more than me, than what I've put away will still be too much. If your cellar is the size of mine, and you smoke less than me, you should open a pipe shop now, while you still have time to recoup your losses.



Can't Leave
Feb 27, 2014
This thread is depressing. And the most depressing thing is that it is little different from other threads I have read on other forums. I have read almost exactly the same thread on a traditional shaving forum.

"How many blades do you have?"

And people calculate how many double edged razor blades they need to last until they are 100....then add 50% just to be sure "in case of the shavepocalypse"
Watch forums?

"How many watches do you need?"

At least ten:

A Rolex for everyday use

A good classic dress watch (PP, VLC or similar)

Sports watch with bracelet

Semi-dress watch with Roman Numerals on a black strap

Semi-dress with Arabic Numerals on brown strap....
It just goes on and on and on.
"How many guitars do you own?"
"Right now I'm down to 25. Had to let some go as SWMBO was wanting some space..."
Trying to get proper information on high end leather goods, I went down the rabbit-hole all the way to women's purse forums.

"How many Birkins do you own/need?"

These women's bags are $15,000 and up. Some threads have posters with 5,6 of them and more, talking about how they prefer the sheen on X leather from 15 years ago and how today it's "Just not the same unless you get a really high end one"
It is The First World eating itself.

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