It may come as a shock to my American cousins but I didn't start driving until I was 37 (and this despite a life long interest in motorsports - primarily F1 and le Mans but I also served as a marshal on the RAC rally and other such events a few times). I have the excuse that I lived in London and road a bicycle (not a motorbike) everywhere or used public transport when alcohol was involved.
Then i got a job with a company car and they allowed me to travel to North Wales to do a one week intensive (crash?) driving course. 4 days of 5 hours a day around Snowdonia and surrounding areas on all types of roads (and through breathtaking scenery followed by driving test on Friday morning. Passed first time, turned up at work on Monday morning and was given the keys to my first car (not new... was 2 months old, previous 'owner' had resigned).
So not a huge list but;
1. SAAB 900SE turbo - loved that thing; I went all over France and Belgium (and the UK) with it
2. Mercedes E220 (also a company car; I changed jobs and was working for DaimlerChyrsler or more sepcifically debisIT - Daimler Benz IT Services which at the time was the worlds second largest it services company after EDS and nobody outside of Germany has ever heard of them!!!)
3a. Mercedes E320 - i bought this one; got the car 1 day before I resigned from debisIT. (had to make sure i got the staff discount...). Great for the autobahn runs to the Alps.
3b. (and my favourite). Morgan +8; bought new but had the engine re-bored from 4.0l to 4.5l. Absolute blast to drive; knocked the socks of Porsche Boxters and was quite capable of giving Porsche 911's a fright too (as well as scaring the s***t out of me on occasions). Not something to drive to the Alps in winter. Wifey wasn't sure if she should have stopped me getting a motorbike after she'd been out in it a few times...
Then I moved to Australia...
4. Jeep Wrangler Unlimited (JKU); 'Overland' which I think is an Aussie only version
Then I moved to Brazil...
and er; that's it. Currently in Brazil we are car less - we wouldn't be able to go anywhere anyway at the moment - but I guess #5 will be another Jeep or possibly a Fusca (*) or Kombi
(*) that's an aircooled VW Beetle
Should anyone be unfamiliar with a Morgan; this is not mine (my interior leather was the same colour as the bonnet strap on this one and iMHO a much better combination with the Connaught Green body).
oh; and my Jeep