Indeed!! It'll be headed your was too when the box makes it's way back to this side of the country. :DWow, looks like some great stuff in that box!
Indeed!! It'll be headed your was too when the box makes it's way back to this side of the country. :DWow, looks like some great stuff in that box!
Noted. Ha! I know I'm investing what free time I have cleaning my pipes so that I'm ready for my turn at bat!I'm smoking War Horse as I write and it's making a spectacular first impression
Lol I did the same thing drezz. It's good to be prepared.know I'm investing what free time I have cleaning my pipes so that I'm ready for my turn at bat!
Mm mm mmm. Pegasus would make for a mighty fine smoke right now. My office has a chill I just can't shake and Pegasus is the burley blend I currently reach for more than any other. I'm excited to try another Esoterica blend; Pembroke didn't quite float my boat, but Margate was so good I ordered a bag of it. And, of course, I feel like we are a lucky bunch to be able to try the John Cotton blends! I've been fighting back the TAD since our poor loony is a lame duck these days but I fear this may push me over the edge!In the queue is John Cottons No 1, Esoterica And So to Bed, and one of the C&D burley blends, either Burley Flake 3 or Pegasus.
Indeed brother. Put a whole bunch of pinches aside for when you have time to sit and enjoy them. We need to make some room in the box anyway. :I haven't got around to many of the blends I really wanted to try, but that won't stop me from taking a pinch or two for later.