It was a good little get together indeed.. and a pretty nice place to just sit, shoot the breeze and hang out with fellow pipe smokers. Baron's Miskatonic was not bad at all ! Even for a guy like me who doesn't like Latakia, it was quite nice. Got some peppery Perique in there, sweet Virginias. Only once did the Lat come through strongly. Overall my mouth survived ;-)
Chris, the cell was not an issue man.. we all have a job to do and sometimes that just seems to interfere with the more pleasant things in life. Go figure :crazy:
It was kinda funny that when we first sat down there was one solitary guy smoking a cigar. He kept glancing over.. he must have been thinking "Young guys smoking a pipe ? What is this world coming to" :rofl:
We should do this again and indeed find a place with the proper libations to accompany such wonderful company.