Are you thinking Saturday the 7th, because the April 1 is on a Sunday. I don't know if I can make it yet, though.
Hey, most of you know, but if you don't, go to the main page (, no www or http, add /members, then the username, you can get our public profiles and see our real names. At least what we say our real names are

For instance, to see my profile, go to, and you'll see I went with the handle simnettpratt to get back at the world for my ridiculous last name.
On this thread, we have a Chris, Ryan, Clint, Colt, Rick, Steven, William, and me David.
For some reason, Mick doesn't have a public profile, so I think he's really making up all these fine establishments, and is planning on meeting us in a dark alley and swiping our pipes.