Burnt Rims and Wanton Violence

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Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2014
I usually can tell and individual's personality by how he treats his pipes. Sometimes I see people smoking in damaged pipes with burnt rims, partially broken, dirty, scratched, etc. These are individuals who will, for example, empty their pipes hitting the rim against a wall, light their pipes at an angle, stuff more tobacco in their bowls without emptying them properly, blow into their bowls to keep the tobacco burning, tamper with their clipper lighters or people that will smoke in the same pipe over and over again without letting it dry properly. I regard these practices as barbaric and proper of brutes and ignoramuses. He who treats his pipes in this manner should not be allowed to live in society. Of course I am only joking, but I'd rather steer well clear of such individuals as it is quite apparent to me they have nothing worthy to share. When I encounter people like that in life, I can only wonder how they treat their wives, offspring, pets, etc. This is wanton violence, whether against a human being or an inanimate object, and should not be tolerated. Of course, every individual has an inherent right to treat his inanimate objects how he pleases, but on the other hand, I have an inalienable right too not to mix with that kind of individuals and choose my own friends more wisely. The fact you smoke in a pipe does not necessarily mean you are going to be my friend for the sake of it. Please be mindful with the world around you and treat others how you'd like to be treated yourself.



Oct 17, 2013
Comparing the treatment of pipes to the treatment of spouses and children?!? That is the most obnoxious, condescending thing I have ever heard!

Mar 30, 2014
Some of the old timers might have a similar opinion of us collectors. What the hell is a tobacco cellar? etc... My grandfather smoked a pipe for over 60 years and he smoked one brand. Borkum Riff. He would have found it odd to have a discussion about pipes or tobacco. I never knew he had so many pipes until I was given his collection. The only pipe of his I ever seen, was the one he was smoking at the time. He never had a pipe rack or jarred tobacco. I did notice he had two different kinds of pipes.

The work pipes.

These were well worn, burnt and beat.

And then the house pipes.

This group was the nicer more cared for pipes he smoked at home.

You'll know an old timer when you see them. If you ask what kind of pipe are you smoking or what's your favorite blends to smoke, they'll just look at you thinking to themselves, it's a pipe and this is tobacco in it. But I agree, I hunt for old pipes at estate sales and antique stores. When I find a great classic that has been beaten and abused, I wonder how someone can buy such a nice pipe and then treat it this way.



Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2010
So, Define letting a pipe dry properly, because your definition may be different then let's say..."Mike's" definition which is different from "Larry's" ect. that's a pretty broad statement and I found humor in it. I see there are some who don't. HAHAHA!



Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2014
I apologize for the patronizing and condescending tone, but I cannot help myself saying it. In my pipe club there are a few old timers who will treat their pipes this way and I can surely understand the psychology behind it. Moreover, I don't refuse talking to them and I will have a good time socializing with them. However, when this is the case, I completely give up on the subject of collecting pipes or testing new blends and mixtures. This is because of the fact I realize that person is not the kind of pipe smoker I am in this respect. Of course, it is still possible to talk about economics, daily life, politics, etc., but not about pipe smoking.



Oct 17, 2013
Why stop at his pipes? Why not judge him by his clothes? His occupation? Maybe his skin colour? I have come to know great people on this forum, people I respect greatly, and you sir will not be among them.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Encountering someone who doesn't treat their pipe hobby the way I treat mine is always intriguing. I learn every time I am around other smokers both in what I would like to add to my bag of tricks or to avoid. Either way it's their pipe, smoke, life. Moreover, do they have something to offer in conversation and insight? Are they good folks despite their over hearty treatment of briar?
I am not deaf to the point being made here. Someone who displays an inability to take care of his/her property may show other unsavory traits. I don't believe there is a healthy generality here though. Some of the kindest and intellectually stimulating people I know come from homes that were unkempt and truly disorderly.
I buy pipes to smoke them and get good use. They are beautiful and I want to keep them this way. I also deploy and travel the world with them. I don't have the luxury of a pipe rack, case, mounted pedestal buffer or what have you. Right now my Peterson is sitting in the velvet bag it came with and packed in the front pocket of my Air Force camo backpack. Two others are in my footlocker under my bunk. I'd respect the hell out of a WWII relic pipe that had a field-repaired true military bit. Maybe thats just me.
In other news, I am hoping for a nice travel case for my pipes for Christmas but not so sure Santa delivers to an APO.



Can't Leave
Dec 3, 2014
Apart from the skin colour, which is totally irrelevant to be able to tell someone's character, I take those things into account as well. Let me give you another example. I am a wargamer too. For me, collecting miniatures is not only about the game itself. I like painting them, looking after them, etc., so I don't knock them about while I am playing like others will do. The problem with those individuals is that they will enjoy gaming more than collecting, but for me these are two sides of the same coin. Do I socialize with them? Of course I do. When I go down to the shop I will gladly spend a few hours on a match playing against them, but I cannot help feeling sorry when I see the other guy throw his killed units back into the box like they mean nothing to him. I guess this is all down to taste, and different people will have different attitudes depending on what education they have, social background, etc.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 14, 2014
A public forum that acts as an inclusive community hub is hardly the place to cast such screwed judgement onto other people. Your lack of respect is disgusting. Can you be more high and mighty over something so truly petty? Also, there isn't an absolute correlation, or even a remotely strong one, between how an individual treats an inanimate possession, their knowledge/education, and how they treat others. To make a claim that you understand the psychology behind the matter is beyond ignorant.



Might Stick Around
Nov 18, 2010
+1 Mephistopheles
Just because I am not from a family who earned over 250K a year, because I did not grow up in a great part of town, does not relate to my education, or the way I treat my possessions. It has everything to do with the way I hold my head up, look a man in the eye, tell him the truth and show respect. I apologize as I thought you were making a joke before. Now I see that you truly feel that people must live up to some expectation or they are lessor? That is sad and maybe if other people's nuances bother you that much as they are something you can't control. Maybe you should start checking to see if you count things or close the door three times when you leave. Don't mean to be insulting but OCD is a silent killer. Just trying to spread OCD awareness.



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 23, 2014
Pipebaum, Santa may or may not deliver to an APO, but I'm pretty sure many the sponsor sites do.
@mmjk, right you are, Sir. I am a huge advocate for shopping with Smokingpipes because of their free shipping on any order to an APO.



Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
As a rule when I don't agree with something posted here I just don't comment on it.This is an exception to that rule.One of the nicest fellows I've ever known abused his pipes in the exact manner described in this post.It had absolutely nothing to do with his character as a man.He's been dead now for some years and I still miss him.For me to have denied myself his friendship because of the way he treated his pipes would have been my loss.In my opinion only some kind of an elitist would express an opinion such as the one that started this thread..



Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 3, 2012
I usually tend to stay away from these sort of threads, but I have to say it since nobody else did. You Sir, are a Jackass, and I'm sure that elderly gentleman, that you have mentioned, don't want to talk pipe's with you if you talk down to them like that. Judge people by how they smoke and what they wear and assume that's how they were raised or there education. Really?



Oct 18, 2013
I didn't click on this thread at first because I thought it was about

some bad chinese food that caused explosive, burning diarrhea. :wink:



Aug 7, 2013
Regina, Canada
Last summer, I left my Kaywoodie Chessman outside on a table, half full of a latakia blend.

Half an hour later, I returned to find my whippet had been gnawing on it.
So does that make me a terrible person, for treating my pipe so neglectfully?
Or am I just an awesome pet owner for letting my dog help himself to a special treat?

Mar 30, 2014

Yes that makes you a terrible person. Lol.

+1 trail boss

For many people, a pipe is just a tool. For others like myself, they are works of art, a hobby, and a tool.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 4, 2014
St.Paul, MN
I know a guy who smokes crack from his briar pipes and he's a helluva chess player,he keeps his house Very clean, has a lovely family, and he has a PHD!!

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