Unless you like diminished and muted Latakia, I would suggest smoking those in the next couple of years. Esoterica Latakia goes flat fairly quickly.
I will gladly accept that challenge ?
So aging on all Esotericas that contain latakia have the same issue?
As mythical as it appears from my perspective as mere neophyte, spoken of as if it was as rare as Solomons wisdom, I figured people had secret rooms with elaborate and hidden doors activated by candlesticks to reveal their coveted Penzance, only to be gazed upon thrice a year under a full moon.
Patiently waiting for the perfect age.
I guess it's tobacco, it's meant be smoked... but for me it would be casting pearls before swine as my palate is so new to the game......right now I cannot get enough of the Plum Pudding Special Reserve.
I will say it is the first blend that has really awoken within me the essence of flavor and
truly enjoying a smoke.
Even though I later learned I was "preparing" it all the wrong way and discovered rubbing out wasn't a crass allusion.
Starting with the locals bulk in a cheap corncob then moving to a nice briar and Squadron Leader and not understanding a lot of the fundamentals of pipes and pipe smoking in general, I felt mostly like when we were kids and hid in the hayloft lighting straw to act like we were smoking.
No matter how many "experts" I watched on YouTube truly prepared me for the many steps and nuances of pipe smoking as a hobby.
It is indeed a many faceted activity.
Now I am starting to understanding moisture, drying first, cadence and a myriad of other things that I had a crude knowledge of but only truly realized after putting some time in and doing just about everything wrong in the beginning.
Failure is a great teacher...