@Pipe Novelist
Hey Kevin, have you had the chance to try Middletons Apple yet? It is tied with Captain Black Royal as my favorite OTC blend. Great stuff if you havent had the chance to try it yet.
I smoked Middleton's Apple a couple of years ago and just thought it was "ok". I think Captain Black is better, and Borkum Riff is much better.
Hmm... this seems more like an advertisement than an article or review.
I'm guessing you are saying that because there are links to buy the tobacco?
If you haven't noticed, all of our tobacco reviews have links to buy the product. We are not trying to trick anybody. It should be obvious that these are links to place an order if one voluntarily chooses to do so.
Romeowood independently did the reviews, and I do not see them until he submits them, and I do not tell him how to write the reviews.
Putting the links to place orders is an extra service we provide to our readers for convenience and for our advertisers as a way to provide them value-added services for their support. We rotate between different advertisers on different reviews.
Between Mr. Roberts and myself, we have over 10-man-hours into producing this high-quality content that takes someone probably 10 minutes to read. I have 5 hours into it myself for photography, photo-editing, article editing, editor's notes, layout, SEO and html layout.
You're welcome.
I'm just trying to make a living while providing superior service to our readers and advertisers.