Blind Tasting: Red Virginia

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Non-Mentholated Black Man

Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 4, 2024
Where Texas Began
I have to apologize. Upon opening/smoking the final two (2) samples, it would seem that this is not a "three (3) identical pair(s)…" experiment or malevolent attempt to denigrate anyone.

5) This was a nice tobacco, subtle and smooth. The enjoyment from this smoke was fleeting, as I was rudely interrupted by some very loud sounds emanating from the scanner that often seems to do that very thing.
For the record:
I became a volunteer firefighter for the same reason that everyone else does; the overly grateful beauties that spend their lives lined up around the block of every fire station in America.
Imagine my chagrin, the day I realized:
What was supposed to be my entrance into the male calendar modelling industry, has now become a thankless second job that pays the minimalist wage known to man.

6) I will attempt to give an actual review of this final sample, as my very concrete deadline is quickly approaching. Mrs. Pickles was very specific about what he expects from "the stooges" (his words) and the PM envelope at the top of this page has gone from dormant to an angry looking red number 4 in the span of about two (2) minutes.
This tobacco was interesting but somewhat bland also. It was interesting because it had more of a fresh hay taste, which is quite different from the sweet/mature alfalfa taste of sample 1) that I found so appealing. It was bland in the sense of being bland. The Red Virginia seems to be less pronounced, if not almost muted.

My numerical ranking, beginning with the sample I found most appealing, is as follows:
1), 2), 5), 3), 4), 6)

I want to thank Mrs. Pickles for the time/effort/expense that he put forth in order to make this Blind Tasting happen. Thank you, Andrew, for being a gentleman and great guy.
I have nothing but the utmost respect for you.