A B&M black friday footnote: On Wednesday I went to the mall to get two batteries and a wrist band adjustment on my wife's favorite "Timex" (she loves those things) and she feared for the crowding. As I suspect my being a retailer in a previous life, I said I thought things would be slack the day before Thanksgiving. Sure enough, the watch battery shop had only one customer in line, and parking was wide open everywhere. I think the frenzy about post-holiday bargains is a total scam, a few dozen items as loss leaders and standard unremarkable discounts for the rest of the scores or hundreds waiting outside in tents and under blankets in the dark. I think people are unconsciously drawn to the artificial hardship, with fantasies of their pioneer forebears or immigrant grandparents. The online sales are good, if you are getting what you want and would have bought anyway at the higher price. I am vulnerable to sale prices from time to time. If you shop at malls, here locally I have found the time to go is Monday and Tuesday nights. They're open, they're all staffed up, and there aren't that many customers, although results may vary with your locations.