Me three.
Me three.
Me fourMe three.
Haha, you can keep it. To my taste, although the reds are really nice, the lighter VAs in this have a slightly ashy taste, and in any case the dark fired keeps this from tasting like a true VaPer to me. Not my thing, but glad that so many of you like it.vs creating a scarcity issue...
Since my tastes are still evolving, I know not what I may think of it in the future. Sometimes it changes...Haha, you can keep it. To my taste, although the reds are really nice, the lighter VAs in this have a slightly ashy taste, and in any case the dark fired keeps this from tasting like a true VaPer to me. Not my thing, but glad that so many of you like it.
I have not had Viprati but I definitely agree that Dorchester is great straight out of the tinViprati and Dorchester and especially Deception Pass for easy smooth immediate smoking
Great point! To clarify… I didn’t mean “no dry time”. I meant… receive a new tin, open it, dry it to one’s preference, then load and smoke. I’m looking for the best one (s) that are good, smooth, and don’t require years of aging to be a great tasting smoke.Not everyone's tastes are going to be the same. I wouldn't suggest more than half of these. First off, by "straight from the can" mean that you don't want to have to dry them? Second, you place a lot of trust in the taste of strangers.
I mean, most of these are quality tobaccos, but if you mean no drying time, even the best smoke that meets you tastes, can be steamy and unpleasant if too much moisture is left in the tobacco. I personally prefer my tobaccos to be almost bone dry to bone dry.