Beautiful New Lids For Mason Jars Arrived Today

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Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
I also think it's hilarious that someone would use a plot cutter because (like the pyramids) humans aren't capable of that sort of precision. Now, using a plot cutter itself is not over-the-top, but the defense of using it is what cracks me up. It's like watching a young graphic designer flip out because their computer is down and they need to draw a straight line. Using a ruler never crosses their mind. Besides, the label's edges are covered by the lid. You could literally use your carkeys to chunk out a circle, and once you get it on the lid under the ring, and it would look just as good.
But, like the History Channel suggests about the pyramids, it's just too perfect for humans to make... despite the fact that they made the perfectly stone inlaid golden tomb for King Tut, which displays much more human perfection in a craft.



Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Cosmic - I am the recipient of those perfectly cut circles - a gift from an understanding artist-friend with said plot cutter - which works out very well for my OCD about such detail and exactness; and, answers my particular visual and other physical handicaps quite nicely; as these tasks, while seemingly simple tasks for others, are impossible for people like me when it come to being able to do things like cut a perfect or even semi-perfect circle with a scissors on my own.
So you can call it "a hilarious defense" if it brings you pleasure and self-satisfaction.
For me, I just call it having friend who is helping me to cope with being handicapped. - Sherm Natman

Dec 28, 2015
For me, I just call it having friend who is helping me to cope with being handicapped. - Sherm Natman
Some people don’t have any friends and it seems to make them sour. So it goes.



Dec 29, 2016
I feel like I have to chime in here, seeing as how it was me that suggested the use of said high tech equipment was over the top.
shermnatman, if indeed you have any sort of handicap that prevents you from doing this manually, please accept my most sincere apology.



Can't Leave
Dec 24, 2013
Virginia, USA
shermnatman, try not to take offense. This site, while beneficial at times, has individuals that act as trolls, and when identified as such hide behind various defenses to justify their actions. Most of them are long-term residents that collude to support the overall environment here. Just roll with the punches and don't take anything too seriously. You can just lurk If you're looking for knowledge but if you're looking for camaraderie, see how it goes and perhaps look elsewhere. YMMV.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Not to seem insensitive, but if you have some sort of handicap that prevents you from using scissors then I am sorry, and maybe this should have been revealed earlier. But, we are just treating you like one of the guys. We had no prior warning that there may be something sensitive going on that we needed to tiptoe around. Would your really want us to, or to just treat you like a normal guy?
They are cool labels. I hope that you enjoy them. To stay on track... I guess you will be keeping these tobaccos in stock? Are they easily accessible enough to keep getting new ones for each new blend you get, and if you should want to keep more than one jar each of these blends... you'll be getting more? It's cool to have access to a friend that will help you out like that.
I have a buddy that uses a digital cutting machine to cut intricate shapes for industrial stained glass work. He acts like just using the thing is expensive. I don't think he would let me cut anything on it. You are lucky.



Jan 31, 2011
I just put these on my War Horse jars.



Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Here is one in the works to solve the problem of labeling all the bulk mixtures I have which do not already have established tin art associated with them.
One of my occasional favorites which I work in and out of my regular tabak rotation, which I purchase in bulk at our local B&M Tinderbox is: Sherlock's Choice. I have been told, though I cannot confirm, that this is in fact, Lane Limited's: HGL mixture.
Assuming that is true and correct, I could go with a label by either name; however, I find the Sherlock name much more interesting and imaginative than the cryptic Lane LTD letter-codes; therefore I once again called on the talents of my artist friend, and this is the rough she came up with for me. It will need to be cleaned-up to remove the Dunhill information on the perimeter, but other than that, I think her concept is shaping up nicely. - Sherm Natman



Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
And the only "offense" which has injured my dignity around here, is that directly beneath my name and avatar, some wise-guy has affixed a highly inappropriate estimation of my personal male prowess; and has decried publicly that I possess a: "Junior Member". A wholly libelous situation, indeed!
Gentlemen, I can assure you this has not been the case since I was under the age of 13. - Sherm Natman

Jun 9, 2018
Sherm they are some lovely professional looking lids you are very lucky to have a friend who can supply such lids, hey just a thought but maybe if your artist friend has a little spare time she could perhaps set up some sort of website where people could get these lids, maybe not charge a fee but accept donations or something and then.....oh hang on, oh no maybe not, no sorry, carry on everyone.




Jan 25, 2019
Philadelphia Suburbs, Pennsylvania
Smudgersmissingleg - No, Chris; in fact, I am waiting for her to cut me off before not too much longer. I have a bunch of new tabaks coming in that I am hoping she will do the labels for me before she cries: "Enough is enough"; and that will be the end of it - no doubt.
As Grandma Natman used to say: "If you milk a cow too fast and too frequently, you'll wind-up with no milk and a skinny cow." - Sherm Natman

Jun 9, 2018
Yeah my apologies Sherm mate that was just my 'attempt' at a joke about the pipe tobacco label printing website war/fracas of 2019, but what I said about the lids being pretty dam sweet I meant 100%, I myself have been thinking about getting a printer and labels to try and knock something up but what sort of result I'd end up with God only knows, probably end up with labels that looks like they've been thrown together by a blindfolded monkey, then again you never know I might luck out and end up with something that looks half sensible, unlikely but it's a possibility.

It's a moot point at the moment anyway because ANY spare cash is going on trying to get my cellar to the amount needed to last me for the rest of my life, sounds a big task I know but as I'm 45 now and plan on dying at 60 I should only need about 15 years worth, saying that knowing my poxy luck I'll live well past 60 and that would obviously bugger up that plan, still a man can dream can't he.


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