Yes, 3 pipes in-fact:
1. Years ago some member posted a picture of his Yello-Bole Collegiate, which had been beautifully re-furbished by New Born iirc ... I still think about that little pipe.
2. Rattray Goblin Light 99 smooth, and Fachen 107 bent apple.
Unlike the Yello-Bole, I am surprised I can't find the Rattrays, as it was not all that long ago that these were being produced. - Sherm Natman
Buy Rattray's Goblin Light Smooth 99 Pipe at Alexanders Cigar Merchants
Buy the best Rattray's Goblin Light Smooth 99 Pipe by Alexanders Cigar Merchants, cigar & tobacco distributors in Australia. Review more Alexanders Cigar Merchants products now!
Rattrays, Fachen 107, Bent Apple, 9 mm. - Rattrays Pipes - The Danish Pipe Shop
Biggest selection of Rattrays Pipes in Scandinavia!
I get that mistake a lot but in reality I'm a full-time magicianWoah!!! Brother @AroEnglish are you also a part-time Magician? That was awesome!
Thank you! - Sherm Natman
I had the 2015 and the 2018.I’ve been looking for an MM reverse calabash ever since I saw the one that @Chasing Embers had a few years ago. Something about that pipe really catches my eye.
I’ve had a saved eBay search since then (2020 IIRC) and have yet to see one pop up for sale.
I Googled that Fachen 107 and I have to say, it's a "fachen" awesome looking pipe. Really though, I love that dark green rusticated look.Yes, 3 pipes in-fact:
1. Years ago some member posted a picture of his Yello-Bole Collegiate, which had been beautifully re-furbished by New Born iirc ... I still think about that little pipe.
2. Rattray Goblin Light 99 smooth, and Fachen 107 bent apple.
Unlike the Yello-Bole, I am surprised I can't find the Rattrays, as it was not all that long ago that these were being produced. - Sherm Natman
Same, I'm a smoker, not a collector (not anymore at least). If/ when my pipe rack is full, I'm done buying.I won't allow myself to "collect," properly speaking -- I have more pipes than I need, and I'm concerned about the instinct in me which wants to hoard multiples of the same thing, for no reason (an instinct which I feel strongly sometimes).
But if I were going to do this, I know exactly what it would be:
Kriswill -- a nautically themed Danish factory pipe on par with the old Stanwells, but never given any attention today -- had a certain interpretation of the billiard which I simply adore. The bowl had hints of eggish brandy, and with perhaps just the slightest suggestion of forward cant. The shank was oval, and the way that bowl curved into that oval shank was quintessentially Danish. Also the way the shank and stem formed a consistent taper from bowl to bit was uniquely Danish.
I have one in their "Clipper" line. I've seen a similar (but I think not identical) shape in their "Navigator" line.
(I'm not interested in their non-nautically themed lines like "Chief")
I could see myself hunting these down.
Same, I'm a smoker, not a collector (not anymore at least). If/ when my pipe rack is full, I'm done buying.
Haha, well yeah, but that's how I limit myself, otherwise I'll end up spending way too much money on way too many pipes.They sell new pipe racks every day.
I undersign to this, I have to admit, I'm interested in medium to large size longer length classic billiardsI own a GBD Seventy Six 133 and I just love it.
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I’ll take this opportunity to comment on Cosmic’s question. — Yes. If it’s not a Classic, thin tapered Billiard — it will NOT interest me.
Come and get it!Peterson 150th Founder's edition rusticated
how do they actually have these pipe's?Come and get it!
Peterson 150th Anniversary Founders Edition Pipe (Rustic P.Lip)
Peterson 150th Anniversary Founders Edition Pipe (Rustic P.Lip), available at Black Swan
My question is, "how do they actually sell these pipes?" It's a cool shape but that pineapple look is not doing it for me. More for @BriarBrook!how do they actually have these pipe's?