So close. I’m not a fan of short pipes like that. Although, I suppose I could re-stem it.
Coincidentally, the link that
@AroEnglish posted led me to a company that says they have them in stock. I was having a hard time navigating the website with the language barrier. Parts of it are in English and other parts aren’t. I sent them an email and they said they’d do the deal via email, but they want me to send my credit card information and address in an email and I’m not comfortable doing that with a domestic entity, let alone one in Turkey. They also wanted like $115 + shipping and their website indicated shipping would be $70-$80. For the reasons above, I’m going to pass and keep looking.
And, to be honest, I’m not even really super interested in it anymore. I’ve got plenty of other pipes and need to get rid of some of the ones I have vs. adding more to the stable. I’d probably still buy one if I found one that was more confidence inspiring, however.