Our nicotine use in every form is probably much higher than your perception thereof. I personally know many “closet” users of various forms of tobacco. Social acceptance being more important at our stage of life, we tend to conceal or isolate for usage. Cigars and pipes have always been slightly more acceptable publicly, and as we become more and more curmudgeonly, we will likely continue to transition that way. Cigarettes and moist snuff are probably way worse for our health, vaping has even more ritual than pipe smoking ( rebuild an RDTA dual-coil setup before you argue with me) and nasal snuff is too much like cocaine. A cigar habit can be prohibitively expensive, so the pipe is the natural choice, and here I am. Give us some time to settle down and we’ll pick up the pipe in droves, then we’ll apply everything we learned about craft beer to tobacco blends. We’ll drive up prices on artisan pipes and blends and ignore the old favorites to the detriment of the industry.