Any Photographers On The Site?

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Tommy Boy

Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 28, 2020
kind of jealous actually of kids with the digital cameras. When I started we didn't have such things we had to buy film and process it in the darkroom at school. Though I guess they'll miss out on the kind of fun having a room you're supposed to lock other people out of.
Again father of teenage daughter trying to avoid "locked darkroom fun" that seals it digital it is lol
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Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I would gladly donate to a budding shooter but, sadly, I have nothing to part with. I try to stay no older than one generation as the internal software improves with each generation. But, Craig's List has a photography section and many photo equipment stores take trade-ins to resell. Somewhere there is a person with an unused Canon they'd give away to a deserving kid. Ask around the neighborhood. Someone will know somebody.
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Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
Again father of teenage daughter trying to avoid "locked darkroom fun" that seals it digital it is lol
didn't think about that. Glad I could help. Just remembering how great photo arts classes where for several reasons. Including the blue folder (where you wrote who took what photo so when you developed the film someone couldn't take credit for your work), but a camera and a blue folder let you wander around outside without too many questions.

Tommy Boy

Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 28, 2020
Even if i end up buying her a new one its money well spent. Just wanted to check down this avenue first because of new camera prices. Are the t6 or t7 cameras that my neighbors son said the lense fit good beginner cameras?

Tommy Boy

Part of the Furniture Now
Mar 28, 2020
My two cents because I was a military photojournalist until I retired and managing editor of a magazine for 10 years after that. The point and click cameras are great for teaching photo composition. If you want her to learn "real" photography, it - in my opinion - is going to involve setting up your own darkroom for processing the b/w photos you shoot (or finding a photography club that has a photolab.) and shooting lots of b/w film. Again, that's just my personal opinion. I was taught b/w first and was told that once you could evoke an emotional response with a b/w photo, you can easily advance to doing the same with color. Learning b/w first also gives you a greater understanding of lighting and exposure. Again, that's my opinion.

That being said, and as someone who is more than competent with digital cameras and Photoshop, I would say it is not necessary to do it that way if she is only going to do it as an amateur.

You didn't mention how old she is or where she is at in school (grade not location). She should definitely find some photography courses to take or a good photography club (if any still exists). Until you learn the nuts and bolts of photography and how to get repeatable results, you might as well stick to shooting with a point & click or smartphone camera.
She joined the photography club/ year book club at school in large part because of a crush on a older boy. Crush faded but intrest in photography stayed. The seniors did all the photos and underclassmen tag people and proof read stuff. She really enjoyed seeing the cool photos some of the seniors had chosen and started asking questions and here we are now. Her confidence has grown by leaps and bounds in a short time


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Interchangeable lenses are nice but, if she has a fairly new smartphone she's good to go. No bag needed, no tripod, no manual, no spare media cards just her eye and legs. Legs make the camera lens a "zoom" lens. What some call "point and shoot" cameras are a great starting point, often with a zoom lens and great internal software. I call them "grab cameras" and was never without one in my pocket until the iPhone camera and software got so good. Any late generation smart phone these days has a good camera unless you are out shooting dangerous subjects and need the distance a telephoto provides while filling a frame.


Feb 26, 2015
Slidell, LA
She joined the photography club/ year book club at school in large part because of a crush on a older boy. Crush faded but intrest in photography stayed. The seniors did all the photos and underclassmen tag people and proof read stuff. She really enjoyed seeing the cool photos some of the seniors had chosen and started asking questions and here we are now. Her confidence has grown by leaps and bounds in a short time
Now buy some of the good photography manuals. Since I started out shooting primarily b/w, I was taught the Ansel Adams technique but I’ve always felt it was more darkroom technique than exposure and composition. The earlier instructors I had were old school. I learned to shoot aerials with a 4x5 Speed Graphic press cameras. They taught me to make every shot count.


May 12, 2019
Atlantic Coast USA
Now buy some of the good photography manuals. Since I started out shooting primarily b/w, I was taught the Ansel Adams technique but I’ve always felt it was more darkroom technique than exposure and composition. The earlier instructors I had were old school. I learned to shoot aerials with a 4x5 Speed Graphic press cameras. They taught me to make every shot count.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
The Zone Method is interesting if you are into large format and like working in the darkroom. He understood manipulating a negative better than most. Composing a photo? Well, not so much. But, he could get more out of a negative than most of his peers. Many of us swear and swore by Adams and his books back in the day when they were relevant. Now days not many shoot large format in B/W.
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Apr 28, 2019
You might expand that ever so slightly, in lower case. Few know what it is offhand.

The zone system was the Ansel Adams method. He wrote a series of books on it. But as warren says, they're designed for shooting film and working in a darkroom.


Sep 9, 2017
The Arm of Orion
Pro photographer Michael Freeman has stated that the Zone System is practically useless for digital. I concur.

Exposing for film and exposing for digital follow rather opposed approaches. With the one you need to watch the shadows, whereas with the other you must be careful not to blow out the highlights.


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
So, no dodging or burning during the 60 second exposure now, eh?


Blown highlights and shadowy faces are now too easy to fix, if not in extremis.

Still, good photos are all a matter of choice: Angle, lighting, cropping (before or after) and composition/choice of subject.

Choice of lens, shutter speed and aperture are probably the easiest ones to get right.


Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I shunned digital until the result was close to Kodachrome 64. Nikon took care of that with the D4, "Expeed3" and the sensor in my estimation. K25 was always a studio film in my opinion. I certainly do not miss the ten day wait for the slides returning from the Palo Alto lab. I can shoot, check the result and immediately reshoot if necessary with a digital. Well, if the subject is still available. I resent time spent in post. I'll do it if the shot is worth the manipulation and time. Of course the necessary information must have been captured in the pixels. My goal, sometimes unmet, is to optimally capture the shot in the camera . I know too many shooters who are happy in front of a computer, salvaging cruddy work, when they should be spending the time behind a viewfinder.


May 12, 2019
Atlantic Coast USA
The zone system was the Ansel Adams method. He wrote a series of books on it. But as warren says, they're designed for shooting film and working in a darkroom.
I use the zone with digital regularly - Many professionals have adapted it - It is excellent- especially for making videos look cinematic. You need to know HOW to use it - like I do for example.
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