Sometimes stupidity is painful.Then we all pointed and laughed, no sympaty at all.
I was extremely lucky to only get a burn.
Sometimes stupidity is painful.Then we all pointed and laughed, no sympaty at all.
Brian, I fear you give the media waaaay to much credit for their impact on the citizenry. And, the citizenry not enough credit to think for themselves. Which is a major problem, people choose to prioritize things in importance. The majority of people in the US don't vote and have no interest in the issues. They want to feed their family, have the pothole in front of their house filled, and the like.
Everybody has opinions but, only a minority vote them. Some of that minority are anti-gun for many reasons. Some are pro-gun for a number of reasons. But, the majority, voters and non-voters do not care one way of the other. Or, at least not enough to participate in the governance of our country.
The media simply appeal to their own varied audiences and. in my opinion, have little effect on the thinking/non-thinking of the majority, voters and non-voters, in this country. The media preaches to their individual "choirs". That's been the norm since 1776 and I foresee no change in the future.
I'm not trying to start or win an argument, simply stating the facts as I see them after many years of following elections. The majority of Americans aren't interested in anything but surviving, providing for themselves and, in most cases, their families, a reasonable quality of life.
Because when seconds count, police are just minutes awayThought it worth bumping for this latest from John Lott:
Study: Concealed Carriers Do A Better Job Of Stopping Active Shooters Than Police
First 3 paragraphs:
You’d never know it from watching television, but civilians stop more active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, according to new research from the Crime Prevention Research Center, where I serve as president. In non-gun-free zones, where civilians are legally able to carry guns, concealed carry permit holders stopped 51.5 percent of active shootings, compared to 44.6 percent stopped by police, CPRC found in a deep dive into active shooter scenarios between 2014 and 2023.
Not only do permit holders succeed in stopping active shooters at a higher rate, but law enforcement officers face significantly greater risks when intervening. Our research found police were nearly six times more likely to be killed and 17 percent more likely to be wounded than armed civilians.
Those numbers paint a fuller picture than the FBI’s crime statistics, which fail to include many of the defensive gun uses my organization has cataloged. But the problem with the FBI’s crime statistics isn’t just the errors in their reported data — they also fail to address useful questions, like how concealed handgun permit holders compare to law enforcement. Kash Patel and Dan Bongino face a major challenge in reforming how the data is collected and reported at the FBI.
What We Found:
Study: Concealed Carriers Stop Active Shooters Better Than Police
Civilians stop more active shooters than police and do so with fewer mistakes, the Crime Prevention Research Center
Thanks for sharing.I have a "no shit there I was" story about an ND that if I hadn't watched from point blank, I would never believe as a story
When we would enter secure areas while deployed, we'd clear our weapons at a clearing point...a formal process that squad leaders oversee.
At the time, I was the gunner on a humvee, and the 2IC for our little crew of 4, which was driver, platoon medic, myself, and our truck commander.
We were entering FOB Falcon, in southern Baghdad, so I cleared the 240b, and hopped out of the turret to clear my m4.
Our truck commander visually inspected each weapon as they cleared, and here is what happened:
The medic was in line right in front of me, I watched him drop his magazine, point the weapon into the clearing barrel, and then pull the bolt to the rear. At that point, the loaded round ejected from the chamber. As the round popped out, the medic said "clear", as he was holding the charging handle, and observed the chamber empty. SSG Works thought he caught the round just outside the ejection port, and he said "clear", BUT, I saw the round (no shit) bounce off his palm, and bounce perfectly back into the chamber, and drain right down into the breech.
This was all happening in slow motion, and the medic released his hold on the charging handle and pulled the trigger on the weapon all before I could even react...and of course he ND'd right into the clearing barrel.
Fortunately no one but us knew definitively what happened, so there wasn't any disciplinary action...everyone knew a round was discharged, but it didn't go any farther as there weren't any witnesses above squad level. Lol, shenanigans!
In indeed it was and I felt it needed "fleshing out", as it were.clarification as the quote seemed to pit the cops against the general, usually legally armed, citizenry. I responded only in an attempt to clarify the quote as posted. If there was more, if he clarified himself, I didn't see any evidence in the post. Your chosen quote left the cops wanting. Being an old copper, I couldn't let it slide by without an attempt at clarifying. Just my nature I guess, couldn't stop myself.and I'm sure it was clear to you why I posted it.
Training is key. If there are firearm and ccs classes in your area, it’s wise to take them.Only time I’m not is on the clock.
Always be training, always be aware. Practice what you suck at, not what you’re good at. Be a student of firearms, learn how to operate or at least understand the operation of all major types. Don’t think you won’t have to use your non-dominant hand, so learn to shoot both sides. Never use lethal force to intimidate, the escalation may surprise you.
Probably reinforced the idea that guns are to be taken seriously.I attended a carry class 20 years ago where a somewhat startling incident took place .
2 instructors , both good guys , taught the class . One appeared was kind of a wiser , more intellectual man . The other was a working class guy who tried to convey the gravity of the class . He also had just a teaspoon of Barney Fife in him.
30 minutes into the class the first guy is standing at the front with a fake green rubber gun making some point , Barney is behind the class doing something (I don't know exactly what) when his pistol accidently discharges !
No one was hurt .
Nothing was said .
It was hard not to snicker.............
He got his bullet out, Andy.I attended a carry class 20 years ago where a somewhat startling incident took place .
2 instructors , both good guys , taught the class . One appeared was kind of a wiser , more intellectual man . The other was a working class guy who tried to convey the gravity of the class . He also had just a teaspoon of Barney Fife in him.
30 minutes into the class the first guy is standing at the front with a fake green rubber gun making some point , Barney is behind the class doing something (I don't know exactly what) when his pistol accidently discharges !
No one was hurt .
Nothing was said .
It was hard not to snicker.............
Nothing was said .
Back when I took my CC class to get my permit back in 1992, the NRA certified instructor was a real goof.I attended a carry class 20 years ago where a somewhat startling incident took place .
2 instructors , both good guys , taught the class . One appeared was kind of a wiser , more intellectual man . The other was a working class guy who tried to convey the gravity of the class . He also had just a teaspoon of Barney Fife in him.
30 minutes into the class the first guy is standing at the front with a fake green rubber gun making some point , Barney is behind the class doing something (I don't know exactly what) when his pistol accidently discharges !
No one was hurt .
Nothing was said .
It was hard not to snicker.............
Did the other instructor fire back with his fake green rubber gun?I attended a carry class 20 years ago where a somewhat startling incident took place .
2 instructors , both good guys , taught the class . One appeared was kind of a wiser , more intellectual man . The other was a working class guy who tried to convey the gravity of the class . He also had just a teaspoon of Barney Fife in him.
30 minutes into the class the first guy is standing at the front with a fake green rubber gun making some point , Barney is behind the class doing something (I don't know exactly what) when his pistol accidently discharges !
No one was hurt .
Nothing was said .
It was hard not to snicker.............
And domestic abuse at 4 X the national average...............And I am suddenly recalling that statistic that cops commit crimes at a rate 6 times higher than CCW permit holders. Ain't "6 times" the same as saying 600% ?
And I am suddenly recalling that statistic that cops commit crimes at a rate 6 times higher than CCW permit holders. Ain't "6 times" the same as saying 600% ?
And domestic abuse at 4 X the national average...............
Not just cops, judges, politicians and clergy also.And I am suddenly recalling that statistic that cops commit crimes at a rate 6 times higher than CCW permit holders. Ain't "6 times" the same as saying 600% ?
That wasn't directed toward Warren. It's just a statistic that stuck in my head from some time in the past.I'm leaving you two to deal with Warren this time...he'll be along shortly I'm sure.