Lay a pack on coffee table, then quit them, that's how I did it,
With its availability and it's social acceptance, it makes it harder. While I'm in no position to compare cigarette addiction to opoids (and I surely won't), caving in and getting a cigarette is as hard as bumming one from someone with a cigarette you see walking down the street or as hard as walking into any gas station or kwiki mart and handing over legal tender. That availability makes it harder to quit. I can spend weeks at home and not miss it. But then I go out somewhere and there's guys hanging around front smoking and those cravings hits like a brick wrapped in barbed wire.I never smoked cigarettes or chewed. I love cigars and now smoke about one bowl on my pipe per day. I just wanted to say that I really feel for y'all who are dealing with this. A friend of mine said his doctor once told him that cigarettes could be more addictive than heroine in some cases. I found that hard to believe, but guess it is true.
Hang in there and best of luck to all of you in your efforts.
In Britain they recommend vaping to quit smoking. Studies showed it is way less harming. Naturally no nicotin or at least nothing going into your lung is the best. But vaping is still much better then the coffin nails.I substituted cigarettes for vape. I wouldn’t really call that quiting, but it’s at least cheaper. One day I hope to drop the vape all together and just smoke a pipe.
I'm happy for you. Congratulation.Update to my response post from a year ago on May 6.
I had been wanting to quit the cigs.
This past Feb I got really sick with an upper respatory cold. My lungs were filled with congestion and I tore a inter-coastal muscle, they are the muscles between your ribs. It feels just like a broken rib.
So there I was with lungs filled with conjestion, but I cannot cough due to the intense pain. It was the perfect time to quit. I haven't had a cig since Feb 1st, and have no interest in going back. It was a 40 year battle, and I won... finally
"Almost 50 years ago I walked away from a two pack a day habit. Cold turkey. Don't complicate with different ways of quitting, it only makes it more difficult. Easily said but just do it.Title edited for caps and brevity. Please read rule 9,
I love or loved smoking cigarettes but I kinda thing I start to grow out of it.
I already smoke self rolled VA tobacco and smoke the half of it while I roll the next one in the evening with beer.
I think I want to kick the addiction at some point and just enjoy 3-4 bowls of pipe.yeah another addiction but still better :D
Any of you transitioned to it and give me some advice?
Pipe tobacco is so much more interesting in flavour and it is really like a meditation for me.
I know at work I will sometimes will kick back to the fast nik hit and I accept that but it in the end I would rather enjoy good quality tobacco and a focused enjoyment.
As far as professions go, the people whom I see smoking the most here are either long distance truck drivers or Taxi cab driversYears ago I hauled tobacco for RJR and PM. Mostly to NC and Richmond. One load in particular had boxes on it with a biohazard suit warning to use. I remember asking the gentleman at the dock about and he said he would never buy a pre rolled cigarette for that reason, it isn't tobacco anymore. It's something else. Funny years of cigs, and on and off cigar and pipe smoking, I have never craved a pipe or a cigar as I have a cigarette. A battle that never ends it seems.