So, Dolan owns a building, is a petty shit, and decides to keep ambulance chasing ankle biting leeches out. What is the problem?
The Dixie Chicks offend their base, base gets pissed off, record company craps themselves and deals with it.
What else should’ve happened?
I brought the gubment up because short of people voting with their wallets, I’m wondering what or you you would expect to change the will of the people.
Nothing. Yes, I am aware that a Dolan owns the building. I find it ironic that a Jimmy Dolan also opens up for the Dixie Chicks. You have to admit, that is ironic.
My point, and the only point I was making, is that people on both the left and right only care about cancel culture when their own people are the ones being cancelled.
The Dixie Chick example exemplifies this. Where was all the talk about freedom of speech from the right when they spoke up.
A little truth in advertising. I am very right of center, but I absolutely will come to the aid of my friends on the left when hypocrisy would be evident otherwise. What is true in one situation with "your guy" is true when it isn't.
Yes, I was a bit sarcastic in my reply. Probably unnecessarily, but I would have said the same in front of a group of people. It's high time we hold all sides to a high standard, and that begins with whatever side shares a similar viewpoint to our own.
For the record, I despise cancel culture. If I could, I would use Round Up on every plant in the yard of those who feel they can cancel the careers of others.
Round Up. It has served me well in the past and I am sure it will continue to do so in the future.