I would say Balkan Supreme is a must try then. It is available in bulk (meaning you order it by the ounce) and is also available under the Peter Stokkebye name.
I'm a big fan of SPC Plum Pudding and (thanks to
@hoosierpipeguy ) find C&D Dreams of Kadath to be in the same vein but different enough to have cellared both fairly heavily.
Nightcap is great and Ashton Artisan's blend is worth checking out. When the Dunhill version of Nightcap left the market I started with the Artisan's blend as it scratched the same itch and I'm not sure I'll ever go back.
H&H Black House and GL Pease Westminster are two more blends to definitely at least try if you like Latakia.
One final recommendation is GH&C Bob's Chocolate Flake. This one is a step apart from other blends but is one of my all-time favorites. Some might call it an English blend while others might call it an aromatic but really I like to think of it as a "kitchen sink" blend that is unique unto itself. The different components in it, including the Latakia, play together extremely nicely without any one dominating the others but still having layers of flavor.