Alright, Serious Question of The Day: How Do You Like Your Eggs?

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May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Alright, time to get serious this morning. I get real serious when it comes to breakfast. It's my favorite meal of the day and sometimes even have it for supper.
I love mine over easy, but scrambled with a little thyme ain't bad either. I love to make hash browns and put my over easy egg on top and break the yolk over the top.
So, the serious question of the day this time, is how do you like your eggs?



Jan 5, 2018
The Faroe Islands
Easy, hard boiled on pickled herring, fried with sausages and baked beans sunday mornings, scrambled on smoked salmon, they are good in all their glorious manifestations.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
hard boiled on pickled herring
Can't say as I've ever had it. I believe that's a Mid-West, Scandinavian dish, right? Now I used to eat them all the time scrambled in with salmon. It was from a can, but hey, that's how my great aunt liked it.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Growing up, my granddad would make me what he called "brains-n-eggs" which were these delicious pink scrambled eggs that had this ham-like flavor that just melted in your mouth. They were my absolute favorite. Later, I realized that they were pork brains mixed in with the eggs. But, by then I was hooked.

Not wanting to buy pork brains in a can, and no good source for brains (ha ha), they remain a fond memory. :puffy:



Aug 9, 2018
Colorado Springs, CO
Ooh, that's a Southern staple right there. I also had a decent share of hog brains and eggs as a kid, and a few years back I saw them on the menu at a diner in Tennessee. When I tried to order them, the waitress said "um, you know that has like a month's worth of cholesterol in it, right?"
Nowadays, I like mine scrambled hard with just black pepper.

May 9, 2018
Raleigh, NC
Michael I used to eat the same thing growing up. My great aunt made "brains and eggs" in the mornings with grits, red eye gravy, fresh garden tomatoes, percolator coffee and toast. Never figured out if they were actually brains or not, but either way, it was delicious as hell.



Aug 9, 2018
Colorado Springs, CO
I can see it now. Every diner across the US has to stamp this on their hog brains:
"Warning: this product contains cholesterol. Cholesterol is an addictive chemical"
Shortly after you get the plain packaging laws, so children don't develop brand loyalty to hog brains...


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
My grandmother would cook a Spring pig for Thanksgiving, and other than the brains, everything was fair game. Go after the brains and you got rapped sharply on the noggin with her cane handle. Those were hers.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Darnit, now I am hungry, and all I had before heading out the door was a bowl of oatmeal, ha ha.
Hell, I was getting ready to go to bed, now I'm getting eggs out to fry.



May 23, 2018
Over easy, scrambled, hard boiled and deviled. Any way as long as they're not runny (Danny Thomas style).



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 25, 2016
Southwest Virginia
Over easy cooked in the cast iron skillet with a good dab of bacon fat. Dash of cajun seasoning on top usually, then severed with toast and bacon.
If I'm feeling fancy, then scrambled with two extra yolks and heavy cream, some fresh chives and finely shredded cheese. Gently tossed in the iron skillet with butter until just barely set.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 20, 2018
I like eggs in almost any form: over easy with runny yolks for dipping my buttered toast. Scrambled with salt and pepper. Hard-boiled topped with salt. I enjoy a good omelet too, most often with ham & cheese mixed in.
As for the brains-n-eggs, of course it's high cholesterol - the brain produces its own cholesterol and, at least in the human brain, contains about 20% of the body's cholesterol. I'm of the belief that folks make too much a fuss over cholesterol.

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