Simon, the closest hotel near the Wooden Match is The Hotel Bethlehem.|pcrid|6161029071&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=+hotel%20+bethlehem%20+bethlehem&utm_campaign=Hotel%20Chain%20H&mm_campaign=61e23501c3a7666376c173fa44c75e69&keyword=+hotel%20+bethlehem%20+bethlehem&hotelid=176750
Another option is the Hampton Inn which is 5 minutes from my house. I could pick you up there and save you from getting lost.
PM me if you'd like me to collect you at the Hampton.
Another option is the Hampton Inn which is 5 minutes from my house. I could pick you up there and save you from getting lost.
PM me if you'd like me to collect you at the Hampton.