All tobacco tastes pretty much the same to me too. I can recognize the difference between Burly and Virginia, but little else. In fact, I have smoked vanilla and cherry aromatics on the same day and didn't notice a large difference. I do choose aromatics sometimes when around people because they seem to like the smell but it neither adds or takes away from the enjoyment I get from my pipe. Kinda like doing certain things during sex for her enjoyment but they're not that important for your satisfaction. In all fairness, it may have to do with my life experiences though. Being raised in the country, as most farm kids can attest to, taste buds were only used to warn your stomach that something was on it's way down. While getting dressed for a day of cropping tobacco in 98 degree heat and 95 percent humidity, at five in the morning mother would be putting breakfast on the table. In her defence, she always had two options available for every meal. You could eat it or not. I left the farm at 19 and went straight into my first of three tours of duty. I learned early on that the Infantry shared my mother's philosophy about food, as they always offered the same two options. Even to this day, when my wife asks if there's anything I would want for supper (that's dinner to my nonsouthern brothers) I just say "nope, whatever you want is good with me". Kinda like that sex thing we discussed earlier. We do get down to Calabash NC from time to time for the seafood, and she'll rave about how good it was all the way home. Me? I'd just as soon have catfish as flounder. It all tastes like fish to me.
My pipe is a good friend that I enjoy for many reasons, but I'm afraid different taste experiences will never be one of them. That being said, I think I'll keep it for all the others and I hope you will too.