1st please don't be insulting. I'm as weird as they come and darn proud of it
Now that said. Other than a few tweekers and poor white trash type taking one hitter puffs of super discount cig baccy from weed pipes. I never knew a pipe smoker tell a year after I started smoking myself and to date every pipe smoker I've encountered has been almost exactly the same.
They all have a Ziploc bag of dust dry tobacco. The name of which they can't remember. If they ever bothered to know the name in the first place. They smoke from a cheap unknown basket pipe or cob. The pipe being so dirty and gummed up that the stem likely doesn't come out and in order to smoke it they have to run a twig or wire down the stem between each bowl.
Tamping is done with a lighter butt, empty hunting rifle casing or dirty finger. They smoke the gurggluest smoke you've ever heard. Like freight trains polluting the air with the Smell of burning tobacco tar and cheap tobacco while relighting it like a weed pipe with almost every puff. They do this tell it vomits forth dottle and tar to the point they can no longer tolerate it. They then ether Wipe the mouth piece clean and keep going or stamp it out tell next time.
The crazy part is they look at me and actually call me. Crazed, weird and wasteful because I have not only clean pipes that cost more than 20$ but more than one pipe. Know the name of my Tobacco and have more than one type. Then are baffled by the fact I can keep it burning and go on and on and on about how good it smells. In between insults and heckling.
But while willing to try a Tobacco or two and happy to accept a few pipe cleaners So far none have been willing to change the way the go about it.
I'm actually starting a pipe club the 17th of next month in the hopes of meeting a pipe smoker with smoking habits more in line with what I expected after reading and researching online. I'm not overly optimistic I will but we shall see.