About To Give Up On Non Aromatics

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May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Agree with Patrick and Adui, and with all those with accepting views. I've tried to expand my horizons past English and Latakia blends, and have had recent success with Three Nuns.
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Apr 28, 2019
Is it really that hard to find a non-aro worth smoking? I mean the usual reason people switch is that they're suddenly rewarded with flavors heretofore unknown that are way better than anything you find in a run of the mill aromatic. I can't see any reason to switch if it isn't an improvement. You don't have to leap directly into Gawith flakes to get some flavor. Start with something easy like GLP Lombard. Come take a walk in the sun. It's fun.
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We all have different tastes and it seems that those tastes can change over time. For several years I have primarily preferred Latakia blends, but this year I have been branching out and trying other styles including Aro's, VA/VaPers, Burleys, and general OTC blends. For whatever reason, I have been enjoying OTC/Burley and Aromatic blends much more than my regular Latakia blends this summer. I still can't quite get the hang of VA/VaPer blends, with only Anniversary Kake being one that I like so far.

I can only echo what others have said; it's great to try something new and branch out, but ultimately smoke what you like. You never know, what you like may change in the future.
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Jun 6, 2017
...we have this one guy who comes in looking like he just fought off the entire Alabama State Trooper force, with ripped leather biker wear, sometimes a bandage on his face, and always a scowl. He looks like he opens his beer bottle with his face. But, he will request his Blackberry Brandy pipe tobacco that smells like a girly smurf tinkerbell type perfume. Then he sets down with us and puffs up a smurfette panties room note. I have noticed that all aromatic joking stops when he comes in. Actually, all joking stops, and everyone becomes instantly interested in watching whatever sportsball team happens to be on television... till he leaves. puf

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2019
Huntsville, Arkansas
I have learned to enjoy both - I avoided them at first, I thought, until I realized in my ignorance that some of the blends I liked were actually considered aromatics. Though milder less risky blends than some of your richer aromatics. Now I tend to bounce around trying everything I can get my hands on. I really love a local blend made by Open Door Cigars here called "Dickson"(Vanilla flavored aromatic). Nice light mild flavor with a decent room note. Just a pleasure to smoke while sipping on a Gin and Tonic. Very relaxing smoke for me.

Everyone is right though - Smoke what you like. No matter what you do some of us are going to give you some flak. It's part of being a part of this community. Laugh it off and give it right back :)


Sep 9, 2019
East coast
I also started with aros, lane 1Q and cult blood red moon but find that I never reach for them when I am looking at my jarred cellar. They don't call to me like the VA or vapers do. Same with pipes they just speak to you after awhile and know what you need for the contemplation that awaits.

Good to try or else you'd never know!
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Starting to Get Obsessed
Nov 18, 2018
New Jersey
I smoked aromatics exclusively for years...2 decades worth. I enjoyed what I smoked and saw no reason to change. Then after taking a long break from smoking in general, I have found that my tastes have changed or rather expanded. I now smoke light or medium english or english/american blends more often than not. I still like my aromatics but I have to be in the mood for them.

The truth is, the advice you have gotten here is sound. Smoke what you like, smoke what satisfies your sensibilities and if you wish, experiment a little; branch out on your expeirence. Smoking is supposed to be for the enjoyment of the individual. There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to your own personal tastes.

J. Mayo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2012
Smoke what you like. But take it from me, put those non-aromatics in a jar and revisit them from time to time. You'll be surprised how your taste will change over time. Plenty of the non aros will mellow over time too and give you a different experience.


Jul 6, 2019
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
For a long time I didn’t smoke more than one bowl of any blend in succession. Every time I had a bowl it was a different blend. For me this was a mistake. I needed to smoke some blends multiple times to develop an appreciation for them. I also agree with those who mention that tastes do change and have found my enjoyment of different blends change over time. Initially some aros and non-aros worked for me but primarily non-aros. Over time the percentage of aros I enjoy has increased. Only having smoked the pipe for 4 years I still have a lot to discover about my preferences for tobacco blends.
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Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 29, 2014
If you’re tooling for aromatics to try, I have two words for you: Floral Essence.

Three more words: Bob’s Chocolate Flake.
Three more words: Rich Dark Honeydew.
Both of these are good starter blends to test drive Lakeland style blends as the floral essence is lightly added. I like the aftertaste of these two blends.
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Sep 29, 2014
Coming from the world of cigars, I find it interesting that aromatics aren't openly mocked. Mind you, I'm not advocating for that. I'm simply noting the difference between the two communities. In the cigar world, smoking an Acid or a Lars Tetens, can practically get you punched. And while I've never gone in for flavored cigars, I do enjoy both aromatic and non-aromatic cigars.


Mar 30, 2019
In the semi-rural NorthEastern USA
generalzod in some circles aromatics are openly mocked. I've been told on a few occasions that even having the occasional aromatic means I am not a real pipe smoker. Which is funny to me because what a weird thing to get snobby over. The other thing I find hilarious is the aromatics aren't real pipe tobacco crowd seems to love latakia which if you ask me is pretty highly aromatic.


Feb 21, 2013
I'm partial to non-aromatics for the direct tobacco flavors. However, if you are an aromatic smoker, smoke with pride. You are the foundation of the pipe smoking community. As Russ O., of PC blending fame, noted on a post, something above 90% of pipe tobacco sales is aromatic blends, so that's what keeps the industry going.
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Aug 25, 2016
generalzod in some circles aromatics are openly mocked. I've been told on a few occasions that even having the occasional aromatic means I am not a real pipe smoker. Which is funny to me because what a weird thing to get snobby over. The other thing I find hilarious is the aromatics aren't real pipe tobacco crowd seems to love latakia which if you ask me is pretty highly aromatic.

Most people aren't like that, but there are always a few goofy people who take the "good taste" snobbery thing way too far. I guess I'm not a real scotch drinker because I also drink run-of-the-mill bourbon regularly, but I guess I'm also not a real bourbon drinker because sometimes I mix my bourbon into cocktails, and I guess I'm not a real booze connoisseur anyhow because sometimes I drink cheap light beer, but unfortunately I'm also not a real beer drinker either because sometimes I like to drink shandies (lemonade / beer combos). Oh well puffy


Feb 21, 2013
I didn't know Hamms was still brewed. I have nostalgia for an old Chicago brew called Meister Brau. Maybe because I'd sip it out of my dad's glass. I'm not a regular beer drinker, but I can still taste it in my mind. I wish one of the artisan breweries somewhere would replicate the recipe. This was not an expensive beer, to the contrary, but I remember it as being tasty. Of course at that age, the best lunch in the world was a thin patty on a bun and fries at the Robin Hood restaurant, with the neon arrow that hit the target every time. In its final days, I bought a six pack of Meister Brau, though in my childhood it had always been in bottles. It was still good, but not as good as bottled.


Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 25, 2015
Southeast US
Funny I was the total opposite. I’ve never found an aromatic I did like, and I really tried. I’ve got them all but 3 or 4 I tossed sitting in jars. Probably to never be opened again: exotic orange, Edward G, buckingham, spiced rum and holiday stuff, McB vanilla flake, and more. I might post them in the trade section.
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