Pot, meet kettle

I'm somewhat surprised at your response , especially considering that I really like cobs. I'm even smoking one in my profile pic.
My briars are almost all seconds or basket pipes (and nearly all estate pipes). I certainly did not get them to flatter myself. I have them because they improve the smoking experience for the blends I smoke in them. There are blends I like in briar, but not in a cob. The reverse is true as well. Lots of people who like different pipe materials feel the same.
That aside, my comparison of higher-end pipes to shotguns is that a lot of enthusiast hunters get more personal enjoyment out of handling a better-made gun rather than one that is purely functional because it improves their subjective experience. They don't do it to show off or build themselves up. They do it for the tactile sensation. Some guns are functional tools. Others are also a functional tool, and are also a pleasure to use.
Likewise, smoking is ultimately a sensory experience, and other improved sensations, like the finishing of the pipe, the feel of the button, the overall look of the pipe, and so on can improve the experience. I do have some pipes that are nicer than others, and I can see the perks of the "nicer" pipes when I smoke them.
I think this is your second post referred to above. So you like big open draws. I like wide draws too, but I know there are some who prefer a narrower draw. It's just a matter of preference. More airflow does not equate to objectively better smoking.