A bull moose usually results in between 400 and 600lbs of meat after field dressing. The largest one I have taken so far ended up being 643 lbs of meat after processing. The Golden Rule is never shoot one more than a mile from your airplane/ATV/Boat/Vehicle. And NEVER EVER EVER EVER shoot one standing in any body of water whatsoever.I've never seen a moose in the wild but met some elk hiking in New Mexico. The leg of a small one was more meat than a whole white tail. I'd have to buy two freezers and get help from all my friends to harvest a moose or elk.
Ironically, in Alaska we have some of the smallest North American deer as well in Sitka Blacktails. To put it in perspective, last trip to Kodiak we harvested 15 of them and it was just over 500lbs of meat. About the same as 1 average moose, hahaha. Those little buggers are super tasty though.