A Mauser Commercial

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Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
I've never seen a moose in the wild but met some elk hiking in New Mexico. The leg of a small one was more meat than a whole white tail. I'd have to buy two freezers and get help from all my friends to harvest a moose or elk.
A bull moose usually results in between 400 and 600lbs of meat after field dressing. The largest one I have taken so far ended up being 643 lbs of meat after processing. The Golden Rule is never shoot one more than a mile from your airplane/ATV/Boat/Vehicle. And NEVER EVER EVER EVER shoot one standing in any body of water whatsoever.
Ironically, in Alaska we have some of the smallest North American deer as well in Sitka Blacktails. To put it in perspective, last trip to Kodiak we harvested 15 of them and it was just over 500lbs of meat. About the same as 1 average moose, hahaha. Those little buggers are super tasty though.



Dec 12, 2016
Moose .. boy some of you guys are lucky to be living in such nice natural environments. In Romania a carpathian stag is the most one could wish for, and a licence to shoot one can cost an arm and a leg. They do come with wonderful trophies, not to mention that the meat tastes awesome. Smoking a pipe while stalking one bull stag, well big no no, they won't come near you especially if the wind blows from behind you. Boar on the other hand, we organize large chases, as in 100 hunters/ stand, so before the chasers get near you one can smoke a pipe without any worry. I have done it dozens of times and shot me a nice pig as well.
The Mauser is the father of a great deal of hunting rifles here in Europe. The mauser system is used by manufacturers such as CZ, Zastava, etc. Quite a mechanism I might add, very reliable, very sturdy. I am surprised as to how many hunters on the group ... happy hunting to all you guys.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
a carpathian stag is the most one could wish for, and a licence to shoot one can cost an arm and a leg. They do come with wonderful trophies, not to mention that the meat tastes awesome.
I got lucky enough to shoot a Tahr, Goat, and a Red Stag in New Zealand a number of years ago. Not sure if that's the same as a carpathian stag, but If I remember right they are at least somewhat similar? It was an excellent hunt and the meat was absolutely delicious. Here he is on the wall in the living room...



Dec 12, 2016
Nice, very nice, man those elk antlers are grand. Below are a few pictures of the Carpathian stag (cervus elaphus) - does look similar to your naturalized trophy. First pic is taken in Iasi county, and the second is our deceased former dictator displaying his gold medal trophy at some hunting convention. These little puppies grow to be up to 300 kg for a male in its prime, an outstanding site. The route season is also interesting, sleeping at night in the woods and listening to their calls is at least a once in a life time experience.




Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
Both look like awesome trophies. There are definitely some real freaks out there when it comes to stags. One thing that is interesting about moose is they all remain very typical antler-wise. The occasional drop tine or “wavy palm” is about all we get for irregularity. Ive seen pics of an odd one or two, but nothing like you see in stags or other deer species. A full grown moose can weigh 1200lbs (550kg or so). The fun is over when they hit the ground, hahaha.
Being in the woods with family and friends is really what its all about! Especially after a good steak, some scotch, a good pipe, and if youre lucky the northern lights will come out and dance for you. Doesn’t get much better than that!



Dec 12, 2016
Paul no hunting stories, sir? I do believe you folks have some marvelous wild life in you country ...

Jul 28, 2016
@Madox07, Yes Sir,You're right with Your assumptions,but unfortunately can give here no stories, before days I was an avid gunman and went to the shooting range almost every and each day, then some years ago the range was closed down and as a result I traded off 95% of my guns,as of Today only two pieces are remaining,a Walter Ppk 7,65mm/32Auto and then a Winchester rifle + gun laws became very strict lately and it'll take both, nerves and money if one wants to acquire a license for personal'firearms.



Dec 12, 2016
Paul I feel that ... I need to renew my gun licence this month, a true hassle. Psychiatry report, ear doctor approval, eye doctor approval, heart doctor approval, neurologist approval, family doctor opinion on chronic diseases, yearly shootings in a certified range, proof of 5 hunting outings / year, a bunch o other paperwork, take the guns to the police inspectorate so they can verify series ... god I miss the times I was living in Texas, where you could buy shotgun shells and rifles from Walmart.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 1, 2019
I thought we had among the hardest rules!

But we are working hard to catch up.

Mental health and no convictions required.

If I am a certified hunter (short course, basic knowledge of wildlife and legislation,

safe gun handling and basic shooting skills) I can get up to 6 licenses for long guns

with specific purpose of hunting. For sport shooting I need to be an active member of a

shooting club. No real limit to number, just purpose. I have a bench rest rifle on a hunting license

just because there is no club near by.

Handguns are a different story.

Jul 28, 2016
@Madox07, sound like something similar we've gotten here lately except for that gun licenses are issued for a lifetime+it seems that easiest way to get licensed today is to apply for a gun collector license,nontheless all this involves background checks, bunch of money and written letters where one has to describe and show his knowledge in firearms and create collector's scheme where he states what sort of (military)firearms he/she is planning to acquire, apply fee is around $200(approved or not) and installation of armored)weapons locker is indispensable in this specific case. after the WW2 Finland has the highest number of firearms per citizen after the U.S, I have been always saying The State of TX is a good place to live if one happens to like guns-hunting and sport shooting)



Jun 6, 2017
Texas is a great place for owning and shooting guns, but it's great for hunting only if you are wealthy or the owner of acreage.
There is very little public land for hunting, relative to the size of the state. More often than not, one must shell out lots of hard earned tobacco moneys to lease a spot on private property.
In fact, many Texans travel out of state and pay the higher out of state fees just to have more land to hunt in Colorado, New Mexico and other surrounding states.



Might Stick Around
May 25, 2019
The Mauser is the father of a great deal of hunting rifles here in Europe.
. Many 20th century US military and sporting arms too...
I got as far north as the country above Brasov. Very rich and beautiful - deep, dark woods.



Dec 12, 2016
jaytex969 yeah, I remember going up for shooting red tail in Oklahoma. There was turkey close to the border with Louisiana though. Wild hog was never an issue, open season all year long, and since they are considered vermin in Texas you can shoot them for pretty cheap.
taildraggin Brasaov is a very lovely city. It has less to do with Romanian culture though, since for most part of its history it was a German town. The nature around Brasov, Poiana Brasov, Rasnov and Bran is outstandig, the game too, but hunting big game around there is very expensive. North of Brasov you have the lower east Transylvanian plateau, what we call the former hungarian counties - Covasna and Harghita, north west you have Sighisoara (very beautifully preserved medieval town) and Targu Mures, also part of former Transylvania. How come you got to visit?
Paul owning a gun is more difficult with each passing year in Romania. For a while now we get to have a checkup every 5 years. If you fail that you loose your guns. The requirements for the checkup though have been steepened since I have become a hunter ...



Might Stick Around
May 25, 2019
Yes, it was unexpected to roll into a Teutonic city in the middle of the country. My mother’s family were poles in what is now the Ukraine and they had similar ancient German cities scattered about. I have an old Mannlicher Schonauer that would work in those woods very well. :)



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
We are lucky in Alaska. Plenty of good public land hunting for many species of big game. After turning 18, one can walk into a store and walk out with a gun and ammunition, unless you are a felon.
There are a few hunting units (popular ones where encountering another hunter is probable) that require you to take a hunter education course through the department of fish and game in order to hunt certain species in that unit though if you were born after........I think its 1986?



Oct 22, 2013
I love Mauser, the 98 may be the greatest mass produced item ever.
You guys are way ahead of me on the moose. All we have here in the Smokies are a smattering of whitetails.....of course we also have the great Black Bear in abundance, so that's a pretty good trade.



Enabler in Chief
May 23, 2019
the great Black Bear
I friggin hate black bears. They are the ultimate Cabin/Camp pest. I have probably spent thousands patching atv tires, holes in gas tanks, duct taping down seat foam, new rubber for handlebars, occasionally a cabin wall or two, hundreds of fish, boat seats, airplane rudder cables, waders, gas cans, trailer tires, etc. from those stupid little bastards.
It's really my fault for leaving my crap all over God's creation, but still. None of these things are food, guys. Well, except the fish.
Not only that, but when you unfortunately have to kill one to protect your life or property, they taste like DIRT! Horrible greasy, gamey, fatty, disgusting little deadly rat-pig vandals. Especially after they get into the fish. Ugh. They are cool critters like everything else but damn they annoy me.

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